See The Real Benefits And Harms Of Pork

See The Real Benefits And Harms Of Pork
See The Real Benefits And Harms Of Pork

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There has been a lot of debate lately about whether meat is useful or not, and if it is considered useful, what kind of meat should one emphasize. Unlike Muslims and Jews, we Christians like to eat a place, especially pork. That is why we have decided here to unravel the question of whether pork is harmful or, conversely, good for our health:

Benefits of pork

- Compared to other types of meat, it is among those that are particularly rich in protein. And lard and pork fat contain arachidonic acid and selenium, which protect us from depression and help renew our cells;

- Pork is extremely rich in B vitamins, and in significantly larger quantities than other meats;

- Although meat is difficult to digest by the human body, pork ranks one of the last places in this regard. It really should not be overdone, but you will not feel any heaviness if you do not consume more than 200 g of pork a day;

Pork legs
Pork legs

- By eating an average portion of pork liver you will get your body's monthly need for vitamin B12;

- Pork It is even ordered by breastfeeding mothers because it helps to make breast milk. Pork legs are especially recommended for them;

Harm from pork

- What applies to other meats is the fact that they are difficult to digest. The feeling of heaviness in the stomach is felt especially in winter, when the Bulgarian is used to overdoing it with pork;

- Pork contains histamines, which lead to allergic reactions. And the amount of histamine is much higher in pork than in other types of meat;

- Consumption of pork is not recommended when following a diet, because most parts of the pig contain a lot of fat;


- If pork is processed incorrectly, it may contain parasites and microbes harmful to our health;

- Nowadays, pork is stuffed with hormones, and en masse. The harm from them is huge for the people who consume it, no matter how they prepare it.
