Several Benefits Of Raw Food

Several Benefits Of Raw Food
Several Benefits Of Raw Food

Raw plant foods contain especially valuable biologically active substances. That is why it is increasingly established and imposed as a permanent part of the daily menu.

It has been proven that through enzymes, vitamins and minerals salts of raw food stimulate metabolism, improve the functions of internal organs, remove accumulated toxins, increase not only physical and mental performance, increase concentration and last but not least strengthen the immune system and resistance to diseases.

Raw fruits and vegetables are the most successful counteraction to some adverse effects of fatty meat, which impedes peristalsis, releases many toxic substances and impedes the work of the liver, kidneys and blood vessels.

In this sense, all nutritionists are adamant that diversifying the daily diet with fresh fruits and vegetables is more than necessary.

In the morning before breakfast or during a meal, raw apples are the best regulator of digestion. And good and regular digestion is a prerequisite for good health. Freshly squeezed juices from oranges, plums, grapes and tomatoes are also suitable for problems with the digestive system.

Several benefits of raw food
Several benefits of raw food

Vegetable salads and raw fruits must also be included in the main lunch menu. They stimulate the appetite, increase the secretion of digestive juices and supply the body with the necessary valuable substances and energy.

It is important to know that raw fruits and vegetables should be eaten before main meals, as they stay for less in the stomach, unlike processed foods. If you take them after eating, their free passage becomes difficult, as a result of which fermentation and swelling of the intestines begin. The result - nausea and heaviness.

A pleasant dessert are the juices enriched with cream, almond milk and honey.

Exam half an hour before eating, grapefruit juice improves appetite. The juices of sour or astringent fruits and vegetables (cherries, raspberries, blueberries, tomatoes, etc.) have the same effect.

The fresh fruits included in the evening menu also contribute to complete sleep, because they regulate all vital functions and have a calming effect.
