How To Distinguish Lamb From Mutton?

How To Distinguish Lamb From Mutton?
How To Distinguish Lamb From Mutton?

Lamb is relatively fatty with a specific smell and is classified by quality. It is commonly used in Middle Eastern cuisine, but is also popular in Europe.

To be called lamb, it must be from an animal up to 12 months old, regardless of whether it is male or female. Sheep is meat when the animal is 16 months or older. Compared to lamb, it has a stronger aroma and is tougher. In some countries it is very difficult to find sheep meat except with specialized meat shops. It can be cooked with any lamb recipe, but it needs to be cooked for a much longer time to become tender.

In France, lamb is divided into three categories: dairy lamb, the animal is slaughtered about 30 days before weaning, white lamb (most common from mid-December to June) and grazing lamb, the animal is now between six and nine months and feeds on pasture.

In the UK, lamb is very popular, and the best meat a chef can buy is from Wales. In the United States, however, lamb accounts for a very low percentage of total meat sales. Demand in America is not great, but despite the fact that almost all the quantity is imported from New Zealand and Australia, it as a local production can not satisfy the market.

Lambs are young animals and the meat is very tender. Like pork, it does not need to ripen. It can be prepared in any way and combined with stronger sauces and garnishes, as the meat itself has a strong distinctive smell.

Lamb chops
Lamb chops

The flesh should be light red in color, the fat should be white and the smell should not be unpleasant. The meat must be firm, free of dry areas and stains. Like all meats, it should be stored at 5 degrees or lower if possible.

It should be placed wrapped in a tray on the lowest shelf in the refrigerator so as not to contaminate other food. Fresh lamb is stored for three to five days after purchase. It should be discarded if your meat looks brown, the fat is yellowed, softened, and the meat is slimy to the touch.
