The Secret Of Tender Mutton

The Secret Of Tender Mutton
The Secret Of Tender Mutton

Mutton is most delicious if it is from an animal no more than three years old. It is distinguished by its light red color, the fat is thick and white. The flesh of an old animal is dark red, with yellow fat.

If the fat is yellow, it should be removed because its smell is not pleasant. Mutton it becomes tender and tasty if marinated 2 days before eating.

You can also simply pour the yoghurt over the meat so that it covers the whole thing and leave it in the fridge for two days.

You can also pour vinegar over the meat and add spices of your choice and leave it for two days. This will remove its specific scent, which is not pleasant for most people.

If you are going to cook the meat, the shoulders and chest are suitable, and if you are roasting or stewing it - the hind legs, the fillet, the shoulder.

If you like exotic dishes, prepare mutton as it is prepared in the Middle East - flavored with exotic spices and cooked with the addition of dried apricots and dates.

Mediterranean recipes for Lamb provide for the use of olive oil, red wine, tomatoes and garlic. The inhabitants of the northern countries prepare the mutton with potatoes, carrots and celery.

Mutton with potatoes
Mutton with potatoes

The mutton becomes very juicy if you do not fry or toast it. It goes well with savory, marjoram and oregano, rosemary and dill.

The longer you cook the meat, the drier and tougher it will become. In order not to make the mutton too greasy, the fat must be removed before cooking. When cooked, it easily penetrates the meat and it becomes very greasy. If fat is still felt, it can be neutralized with a spice such as mint.

Mutton goes with red wine. In addition to the fat, the skins must be removed from the mutton before cooking. The easiest way to cook mutton is roasting. The meat is cleaned of fat and skin and incisions are made. Put pieces of carrot and garlic cloves in them.

The meat is rubbed with salt and spices and placed in a greased pan, around it are arranged peeled carrots and sliced head of celery. Pour half a glass of dry wine diluted with a little water.

Cover the pan with foil and place in a hot oven. Bake for two hours at 200 degrees. When the meat is ready, remove the foil and bake the meat for another 15 minutes.
