Superfoods For A Better Mood

Superfoods For A Better Mood
Superfoods For A Better Mood

Our good mood also depends on our diet. There are so-called superfoodswho take care of our good mood thanks to the special substances contained in them.

It is among the superfoods for good mood macadamia - These delicious nuts are rich in selenium, which is recognized as a natural antidepressant. The lack of enough selenium in the body manifests itself in depressed and depressed states. A handful of macadamia nuts a day will provide you with the necessary amount of selenium.


Veal, skinless chicken and turkey meat contain the amino acid tyrosine. It takes care of the level of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain and protects against depression. Beef, skinless chicken and turkey also contain vitamin B12, which helps against bad mood.


Citrus fruits and legumes contain salts of folic acid - this substance protects against depression.


Everyone knows that chocolate takes care of good mood - it contains substances that increase serotonin levels and protects against depression.

Natural chocolate contains the most useful substances to improve mood, milk contains less. Chocolate also contains andamine - a substance that helps to feel good mood throughout the day.

If you want to always be in a good mood, eat tuna regularly. It contains vitamin B6, which is involved in the conversion of tryptophan into serotonin - a substance that protects us from depression.

Chicken livers contain B vitamins, which take care of the good functioning of the nervous system and good mood.

Spinach, lettuce, red peppers and strawberries contain cytophin - a substance that dramatically improves mood. Spinach, in addition to containing cytophin, also contains a large amount of vitamin B9, which stimulates the production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness.

Bananas contain tryptophan, which is converted to serotonin and makes you feel good. One banana a day provides you with the necessary dose of serotonin so that you do not suffer from depression.
