Eat Dried Sunflower Seeds For A Healthy Heart

Eat Dried Sunflower Seeds For A Healthy Heart
Eat Dried Sunflower Seeds For A Healthy Heart

Delicious sunflower seeds have an extremely beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Regular consumption can significantly reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and reduce high blood pressure.

This is mainly due to the unsaturated fatty acids that make up sunflower seeds. They are the culprits for the formation of the so-called good cholesterol and for the health of blood vessels.

The content of magnesium in sunflower seeds is not small. The functions of the element are related to balancing body temperature and regulating the acid-base balance (pH) of the body.

In addition, eating seeds makes us more energetic and efficient, as magnesium successfully interacts with the enzymes responsible for converting nutrients into fuel for the body. Magnesium calms the nervous system and improves muscle activity.

Zinc in sunflower seeds is responsible for the body's good resistance to viruses and other diseases.

Sunflower seeds are also a rich source of plant proteins. The seeds also contain the valuable vitamin P, which is known to have amazing healing properties. Even cancer is on the list of diseases that respond well after eating foods rich in vitamin P.

In addition to vitamin P, sunflower seeds are rich in the so-called. beauty vitamins - vitamin A and E. By eating seeds, you will protect your skin from premature aging. According to experts, thanks to sunflower seeds, wounds heal quickly.


Sunflower is one of the best foods for beautiful skin and good eyesight. The seeds also contain vitamin D, which makes bones healthier because it helps to easily absorb calcium.

It also turns out that in the company of seeds you significantly reduce the risk of insomnia and depression. This is due to the B vitamins in the food.

However, we must not forget that peeling seeds can damage tooth enamel. Therefore, the consumption of peeled seeds is recommended. It is preferable that they are not baked, but only dried. In this way the vitamins and minerals in them will be preserved.
