Health Benefits Of Millet

Health Benefits Of Millet
Health Benefits Of Millet

Millet has been used for centuries in many countries where people were aware of its health benefits. It has been a very valuable crop in China, India, Greece, Egypt and Africa, used to make bread, couscous and as a cereal.

This small grain is extremely rich in vitamins and minerals, and it does not contain gluten. It is rich in magnesium, calcium, manganese, tryptophan, phosphorus, fiber, simple sugars, B vitamins, and antioxidants.

Due to its composition, millet acts as a probiotic, maintaining normal microflora in the body, provides serotonin, the level of which is important for human mood, easily digested, regulates peristalsis, protects against constipation and others. And due to the fact that it is an alkaline food, millet is one of the few foods that alkalize the body.

A number of studies have described the benefits of each of the ingredients in millet. For example, magnesium prevents migraines and heart attacks. Vitamin B3 (niacin) is helpful in lowering cholesterol and triglycerides.

Phosphorus, in turn, regulates fat metabolism and helps create energy in the body. Thanks to its valuable ingredients, it can protect the body from type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent diabetes).

Some studies also indicate that due to the fibers found in millet, prevents the development of breast cancer, as well as protects against the development of asthma at an early age.

Boiled millet
Boiled millet

The simple sugars and high fiber content in millet make it an even healthier food than wheat and rice. In addition, its intake affects the C-reactive protein, and scientists from Seoul, South Korea point out that it is also useful in preventing cardiovascular disease.

All varieties of millet show high antioxidant protection. They do not contain allergens, which makes them suitable for use by people with gluten intolerance.

Today, the largest producers of millet are China, India and Niger, and this cereal is the sixth most important in the world. It supports one third of the population and is crucial for the livelihoods of many people.

Millet it can replace rice in dishes, put in salads, for breakfast as oatmeal, for the preparation of pasta, in Africa it is used to make baby food and others.

However, it should not be overlooked that small millet grains also contain small amounts of substances that have the ability to suppress thyroid function. Here the advice is simply not to overdo the intake of millet, so that it absorbs only its healthy ingredients.
