English Tea

English Tea
English Tea

European traditions for drinking tea came mostly from England. It is known to drink tea at five o'clock in the afternoon - five o 'clock tea. This style is associated with our afternoon breakfast.

The British drink one hundred and sixty-five million cups of tea every year. They prefer to drink their tea in a family setting - eighty-six percent of the exam cups are at home.

The English way of drinking tea is impossible without self-presentation and spectators. The ability to serve the table beautifully and to spill the tea so that it does not spill a drop out of the cups is mandatory, as well as the ability to have a casual conversation.

In its classic form, the English way of drinking tea is even a bit biased. At the center of the ceremony are not the people, but the house where the tea is served.

English tea
English tea

English tea is served with liquid cream or milk. Preheat an empty teapot, then pour tea into it in the proportion of one teaspoon of tea to one cup of water plus one teaspoon to the teapot.

Pour boiling water and leave for five minutes. Pour warm but not hot milk into heated cups - two or three tablespoons, and then add tea to the milk.

Ideal for the English tea ceremony are the antique teapot, thick books from the last century, white tablecloth and checkered teapot blanket, as well as ginger kisses.

You can prepare them from two egg whites, fifty grams of powdered sugar, half a teaspoon of ginger, four tablespoons of cream, a finely chopped piece of ginger root.

Preheat the oven to one hundred and fifty degrees. Put baking paper in a tray. Beat the egg whites in the snow and gradually add the powdered sugar and ground ginger.

Put the mixture in a syringe and squeeze thick short lines at a great distance from each other.

Bake for an hour and a half until pale golden. After the kisses have cooled, mix the cream with the chopped ginger and glue the kisses two by two, sprinkling them with powdered sugar.

English tea comes with different types of cakes, rolls and biscuits, which are served in beautiful bowls and served to individual guests with tongs.
