How To Cook With Peanut Oil

How To Cook With Peanut Oil
How To Cook With Peanut Oil

Everyone has heard of such a popular peanut butter, but few know that peanut oil also exists, long before peanut butter was invented.

Also, few people probably know that peanuts do not belong to the group of nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, etc., but to the group of legumes.

Peanut oil is used mass in Asian countries and especially in the so-called fast frying, which takes place in a wok.

Along with sesame and corn oil, which are used in Chinese cuisine for this type of frying, peanut oil is also an integral part of the Chinese menu and one of its main spices. It is rich oil and can also be used to prepare various marinades and sauces.

With peanut oil you can do absolutely anything that can be done with ordinary sunflower oil, but you should know that it is used for frying only when it is refined.

If it is in its natural form, in which it is much more useful, it is used only for cold cooking, ie for marinating or for seasoning cold salads or appetizers.

Chinese recipes with peanut oil
Chinese recipes with peanut oil

It's proved that peanut oil contains good fats and has a high content of natural protein. It has an antioxidant effect and is recommended for use by people suffering from type 2 diabetes.

However, as with other fats, you must remember to be careful with the amounts, because there is a risk of obesity.

IN asian cuisine peanut oil is widely used for the preparation of many sauces, which are poured over various types of meat.

Here is one of the most popular Asian recipes involving peanut oil. It is a sauce that is poured on fried or breaded chicken or duck meat.

For it you need 1 tbsp rice vinegar, 2 tsp hot mustard, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp sugar, 4 tbsp soy sauce, a pinch of white pepper, 3 tablespoons peanut oil and 1 tablespoon sesame oil.

All products are mixed very well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained and without being subjected to heat treatment they are poured on the meat, which you have previously poured into the container in which you will serve it.

See more delicious ideas from Korean cuisine or head further east until you reach Tokyo and you can choose from these delicious Japanese recipes.
