Asparagus Was A Favorite Of The Pharaohs

Asparagus Was A Favorite Of The Pharaohs
Asparagus Was A Favorite Of The Pharaohs

What exactly are asparagus? Some believe that they are only edible, but according to others it is not just an exquisite delicacy, but a medicine and an extremely beautiful flower.

The most ancient recipe for making asparagus, which has come down to us in writing, is that of Cato's book "De Re Coquinaria", written in the third century BC.

There are images of asparagus on the sarcophagi of the pharaohs. Its sprouts are considered healing by Egyptian healers. They gave them divine power and associated its properties with the continuation of the human race.

In ancient Europe, asparagus invaded Greece, where it was used mostly as a medicine. The cult of the goddess of beauty and love Aphrodite spread to asparagus, which became known as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Asparagus wreaths adorned the heads of the newlyweds, and their wedding bed was sprinkled with leaves from the plant. The very construction of the asparagus stalk suggested phallic thoughts, so all men consumed them in large quantities.

While the Greeks indulged in asparagus and love, the juicy vegetable was unnoticed by the Romans. These fragile stems, according to the inhabitants of the Roman Empire, not only charged men with love power, but also protected them from unwanted pregnancies.

Facts about Asparagus
Facts about Asparagus

The Romans began to buy asparagus en masse to protect their lovers from becoming pregnant, but by imperial decree, the delicious vegetable was banned from sale for this very reason.

The Roman army needed fresh forces, and they could not appear if all women protected themselves with asparagus.

When buying asparagus, pay attention to the stem, it should be flexible, and if you press it with your fingernail, it should crunch. If you can't find crispy stems, place the bouquet of asparagus in cold water for a while to make it fresher.

Never buy asparagus with withered heads, they must protrude boldly upwards. The most difficult part, however, is in the processing of asparagus. Each stem must be broken at the root. Cut all the flakes and peel the top layer of asparagus.

You need a narrow tall pot so that the bottom of the asparagus can be cooked and the top of the asparagus can remain slightly raw. Asparagus should be crispy between your teeth, not like a boiled rope.

Asparagus becomes very tasty if the asparagus, already cooked for a few minutes, is wrapped in threes in a piece of bacon or ham, fixed with a toothpick and placed in pre-fried garlic or onion with butter. Cover with a lid and after the meat softens, serve sprinkled with yellow cheese or Parmesan.
