Raw Rice Diet

Raw Rice Diet
Raw Rice Diet

The raw rice diet is gaining more and more popularity, because with it you can not only cleanse your body, but also lose extra pounds.

It is a well-known fact that rice is very useful, such as absorbing toxins, salts, bad cholesterol, and also helps to normalize metabolic processes.

Keep in mind, however, that like other absorbers, this product does not differentiate between beneficial and harmful elements. With regular consumption of this cereal there is a deficiency of mineral elements, and in the first place it concerns potassium. Given this fact, after the completion of the diet with raw rice you should add to your diet products that are rich in potassium - dried apricots, raisins, baked potatoes and others.

To lose weight as effectively as possible, it is better to use unpolished brown rice. During weight loss and purification of the body It is important to avoid smoked foods, marinades, sweets and greasy.

In the preparation of raw rice for consumption it is important not to use salt, sugar, spices or butter. You can do this procedure infrequently, namely 1-2 times a year.

Diet options with raw rice

Diet № 1

Diet with rice
Diet with rice

For this you will need 3 cups of rice. Put 2 tablespoons of rice in each cup and pour 200 ml of clean water over it. The most important thing in this case is to change the water every day while the rice is brewing. Keep doing this for 4 days. On the 3rd day, take the first part, pour out the water and eat the rice raw, namely - without subjecting it to heat treatment. Then repeat the procedure, filling the cup with raw rice, and fill it with water, leaving this glass for the last day. The next day, eat the rice from the second hour, which has already been infused in the liquid. Don't worry - it's not complicated.

This type of rice diet is good in that it clears the grain of all unnecessary impurities and once you eat it, it immediately begins to remove salts from your body. They retain water in the body - respectively, in this case the fluid is no longer retained in the body and our body begins to cleanse itself of toxins. Of course, during this diet it is important not to consume salt, because otherwise the meaning of this way of cleansing the body and losing weight is completely lost.

Diet № 2

This is another type of diet, alternating with it eating raw rice and seafood. However, it is important not to mix them, because in this case the effect of this healthy diet to cleanse the body and lose weight will be lost. The diet in this case is followed for 3-4 days, but not more than 5, as rice absorbs potassium from the body.

Diet № 3

In this variety of proper nutrition is mixed raw and pre-soaked rice with various raw vegetables. It lasts 3-4 days, but not more than five. The important thing is that you can not season your dishes with salt, spices or sauces. The maximum you can allow in this case is to add a little oil. The first day may be a little difficult, but rest assured that this is the easiest way on the way to the perfect body and self-confidence.

Diet № 4

This is the most complicated diet with raw rice, so it should not be followed for more than 2-3 days. Its task is the maximum cleansing of the body of harmful toxins, but also weight loss. It takes high-quality rice and you just eat one cup at a time or in several portions every day. If you find it very complicated, then you can add 2-3 apples. Their juice is nutritious, but you will be able to diversify this diet as much as possible.

Rice is a unique productwhich, like a sponge, absorbs all harmful toxins in the body and removes them from the body. It is indispensable if you want to lose weight quickly and lose weight, but also to remove salt, which is the primary cause of bone disease after 40 years. If you follow all the rules, then this way of eating will be quite gentle, but also effective, and the results will not make you wait long.

Features of the diet with raw rice and contraindications

Diet with raw rice weight loss
Diet with raw rice weight loss

The benefits and harms of rice are directly related to its chemical composition and characteristics. For example, people suffering from chronic problems with the digestive system, it is better not to resort to this diet.

In addition, if you suffer from grade 2 or 3 obesity, then this way of losing weight is also contraindicated for you.

Brown rice has specific features that can be considered harmful. The reason for this is that it contains the so-called phytic acid. It, in turn, inhibits the absorption of calcium and iron. That is why this cereal is contraindicated for consumption if you suffer from a deficiency of these elements, anemia, weak bones or teeth and others.

Useful properties of rice

Rice is a wonderful source of complex carbohydrates, giving the body a surge of energy for a long time. It is also rich in B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6), vitamin E, micro and macro elements - calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, iodine and other minerals.

It contains 8 of the necessary amino acids and does not contain gluten at all, which often causes an allergic reaction in many people.

- Regular consumption reduces the likelihood of cancer;

- Has a good effect on cardiovascular disease;

- Helps to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract;

- Improves the condition of hair, nails and skin;

Weight loss with rice
Weight loss with rice

- Absorbs harmful toxins;

- Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;

- Improves brain activity;

- Regular consumption slows down the aging process;

- Improves metabolism;

- Removes excess fluids from the body;

- Normalizes blood pressure;

- Improves kidney function;

- They do not contain fat.

If you do not have any specific contraindications, then you can safely try the diet with raw riceto lose weight. This is a unique cereal product that not only speeds up your metabolism, but also charges you with energy, improves brain function and perfectly copes with the absorption of harmful toxins that have accumulated in the body.
