Delicious Stuffing For Tortellini

Delicious Stuffing For Tortellini
Delicious Stuffing For Tortellini

Tortellini are a paste in bundles filled with stuffing. In their native Italy, this filling is most often a combination of spinach and local ricotta cheese. In different regions of the country, as well as in different countries, there are many different and delicious fillings for tortellini.

Tortellini are prepared in the same way, while the options for the fillings are many. Here's how to make tortellini:

Necessary products: 300 g flour, 3 eggs, 1 tbsp. sol

Method of preparation: The flour is sifted and salted. A well forms in the middle. Add the eggs and beat with a fork. Knead a soft and elastic dough and cover with a towel. Allow to rest for about 20-30 minutes. Then roll out and cut into squares. Put stuffing in each one and close diagonally. The resulting triangles are boiled in boiling water with oil and salt until they rise.

Here are some stuffing ideas:

Stuffed with minced meat

Tortellini with spinach
Tortellini with spinach

Necessary products: 400 g beef, 100 g bacon, 1 onion, salt, pepper, 1/2 tbsp. water

Method of preparation: Onions are finely chopped and soaked in water for 1 hour. Drain and mix with the bacon. Season to taste and mash with minced meat.

Stuffed with spinach, garlic and cheese

Necessary products: 250 g spinach, 250 g ricotta cheese, 50 g parmesan cheese, 20 g dried tomatoes, 1 clove garlic, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. olive oil, salt, pepper, nutmeg

Method of preparation: Chop the tomatoes and garlic and fry in hot olive oil. The spinach is washed and drained. It is added to tomatoes and garlic. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste. Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool. When this happens, ricotta cheese, egg and grated Parmesan cheese are added to it.

Stuffed with parmesan

Necessary products: 200 g sour cream, 200 g parmesan, 4 sheets of gelatin, salt, pepper, ham, balsamic vinegar

Method of preparation: The sour cream is warmed. Parmesan and gelatin leaves softened in cold water are added to it. The stuffing is pre-cooled in the refrigerator, adding the remaining ingredients
