Parmesan Production

Parmesan Production
Parmesan Production

Italian Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, better known as Parmesan, is produced in two main regions - Reggio Emilia and Parma. From there it gets its complex name, and Parmesan, as the cheese is known around the world, is actually the French version of its name.

It turns out that Parmesan is actually the most famous cheese in the world - its production is very carefully controlled by the Consortium of Parmigiano reggiano. Italian cheese, which is a favorite of many, is actually considered a hard cheese - extremely rich in vitamins and proteins.

Every year the production of Parmesan cheese begins on the first of April and ends only on November 11, but that's not all - to be ready for consumption, the cheese matures for up to 36 months. In fact, parmesan is divided into several types depending on the period of aging. The cheese, which has matured for up to a year and a half, is considered fresh.

Parmesan cheese
Parmesan cheese

Old Parmesan is the one that has matured for up to 24 months, and very old is the cheese that matures for 36 months. It is known that in order to obtain only a kilogram of Parmesan, 16 liters of milk are needed.

The fresh cheese or young cheese is called Parmigiano Reggiano fresco (Nuevo), the old Parmesan is called Parmigiano Reggiano vecchio. The last type of hard Italian cheese that matures the longest is called Parmigiano Reggiano stravecchio.

Parmesan is made from two types of unpasteurized milk - one type of pre-skimmed milk, and the other morning milking, which is put naturally. The structure of the finished cheese is granular and flaky. Parmesan is broken with special knives, then grated.

Large pies of hard Italian cheese are hammered - this is the only way to determine if the cheese is good and if there are any internal cavities in the pie. Parmesan ripens at a certain temperature and is observed throughout the process.

Parmesan and Wine
Parmesan and Wine

If it turns out that the pie is not suitable, it is grated and sold ground. One pie of parmesan weighs an average of about 35 kilograms. Parmesan ranks second in terms of glutamate content - the first place is given to Roquefort.

Italian cheese has a deep aroma and a rich, even sharp taste - in about one year, 2,700,000 heads of Parmigiano Reggiano are produced. In fact, there is evidence that the full name of Parmesan is found in manuscripts from the 13th century - the Italians proudly say that for 8 centuries they have followed the tradition and technology in its production.

The original recipe was invented by Benedictine monks - they actually tried to find a cheese that was more durable. This is the main reason why Parmesan cheese is gaining so much popularity that it remains to this day.

Legend has it that the first parigano reggiano pie was created in the village of Bibiano. This happened in the Middle Ages - historical records show that in the 14th century Parmesan cheese acquired almost the same shape and taste as today's favorite Italian cheese.
