The Role Of Magnesium In Nutrition

The Role Of Magnesium In Nutrition
The Role Of Magnesium In Nutrition

About 90% of people suffer from magnesium deficiency. This mineral is involved in many of the biochemical processes in the body and doctors can not always determine that the cause of some diseases is precisely the lack of enough magnesium.

Some of the symptoms of this type of deficiency are insomnia, stress, hypertension, arrhythmia, easy fatigue and exhaustion, depression and mood swings, irritability, back pain, kidney stones, osteoporosis and headaches.

If you have any of these symptoms, you need to reconsider your diet and get the magnesium you are missing, so you can deal with the disease and feel better.

When nerve cells do not receive magnesium, they can not transmit, become easily excitable, disrupt the work of the entire nervous system. This can have consequences such as insomnia and depression.

High blood pressure can be reduced when magnesium enters the bloodstream. It dilates blood vessels and so the pressure decreases.

Magnesium is involved in the metabolism of intracellular processes and affects the energy potential of each cell and the body as a whole.

As a result of complete nourishment of cells with magnesium can strengthen the nervous system, normalize blood pressure and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Magnesium slows down the aging process, helps to strengthen teeth, strengthens muscles and gets rid of muscle cramps.

It should be noted that even when enough magnesium enters the body, it is consumed improperly if you drink alcohol, smoke, abuse drugs, are often stressed, do hard physical work, eat a lot of sweets and pasta, drink a lot coffee.

The daily norm for magnesium intake is 0.1 - 0.5 g. This rate may increase during periods of recovery after surgery or severe illness and alcoholism.

Sources of magnesium are nuts, legumes, oats, buckwheat, rice, cabbage, cauliflower, cheese, rye bread. Magnesium is found in potatoes, beets, tomatoes, carrots, bananas and watermelon.

Of the meat products, the highest content of magnesium in rabbit meat, beef and pork. Nutritionists recommend at least 1-2 times a week in our menu to include wheat germ and drink cocoa.
