That Is Why All Beautiful Women Drink Hot Water In The Morning

That Is Why All Beautiful Women Drink Hot Water In The Morning
That Is Why All Beautiful Women Drink Hot Water In The Morning

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Do you think that drinking a glass of cold water in the morning is very useful?

It is time to put an end to this practice and understand how appropriate this habit is, because depending on the water temperature it can be both useful and not very useful.

Why do you need to drink water?

Every self-respecting person at least once in his life is interested in the secrets of youth, purification and weight loss. And only in one point of view do official and alternative medicine unite - one must to drink water. But how, when and what - everyone has their own opinion.

Analyzing the advice of traditional and folk medicine, Ayurveda and the Eastern teachings of the Tibetan lamas, it turns out that clean water is the only source of life and longevity, and we also need to drink it properly. Man consists of 60-80% water. Hence the answer to the question Why drink a lot of water? "To live!"

The word means a lot indefinite liters. Drinking eight glasses of water a day is not necessary. At the very least, there is no scientific confirmation of this indication. Formal medicine believes that you should drink as much water - as you want, and then when you want.

The exact amount of water depends on gender, age, weight, exercise, environment, food and other signs. According to a statistical study by the US Institute of Medicine, it is enough for men to use 3,700 liters of fluid per day and about 2,700 liters for women. And it does not matter in what form the fluid enters the body: in the form of juice, tea, soup, fruits and vegetables.

Hot water in the morning
Hot water in the morning

But according to Eastern teachings, it is considered the secret of eternal youth hot water. Not boiling, not hot, but water with a temperature of 40-45 degrees. And at the same time, the worst thing a person can do for their body is to drink cold water or drinks with ice.

Tibetan doctors are sure a glass of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach prolongs life by 10 years! The hot water muffles the element of fire - the stomach, kills the microbes accumulated in it at night. In China, children are taught from an early age to drink preheated water before meals. Even in restaurants, a glass is served to the customer before they bring the order Hot water.

Ayurveda claims a cup hot water after waking up will help get rid of migraines, high blood pressure, anemia, obesity, arthritis and other diseases. Of course, common sense in these statements is: the body does not wake up from cold water, but experiences shock and includes signals aimed at heating the water to the optimum temperature - internal body temperature.

In other words, vascular spasm occurs in the digestive organs to protect the walls of the esophagus and stomach, produces more mucus and therefore slows digestion. Simultaneously with the spasm of the stomach, a spasm of the gallbladder occurs and bile stagnation is formed. Instead of absorbing nutrients, the body uses energy to regulate temperature. This is not the best way to burn calories, on the contrary - one of the worst.

Drinking hot water on a full stomach is pointless. It is best to do this in the morning on an empty stomach. A glass of such water will relax the muscles of the digestive organs, will clean the walls of the stomach from food debris and gastric juice and will normalize the acid-base balance.

Drinking warm water in the morning helps women's health
Drinking warm water in the morning helps women's health

Thanks to glass of hot water in the morning metabolism is improved, the blood is purified, the detoxification process through the skin, kidneys and lymphatic system is intensified. Bile flow improves, the body gradually wakes up, and the digestive system works very smoothly, without shock and overload. The result of this daily morning ritual will be clean skin - without greasy shine and acne, sudden weight loss without effort and normalization of blood pressure.

Do not think about why to drink warm water on an empty stomach, but act - not boiling water, but warm water every morning and drink slowly in small sips.

Take your time with breakfast - wait 20 minutes with a meal. And to see the result, try to start tomorrow to be pleasantly surprised soon!
