How To Guess The Real Saffron From The Imitations

How To Guess The Real Saffron From The Imitations
How To Guess The Real Saffron From The Imitations

Saffron, also known as the King of Spices, is arguably one of the most expensive spices used in cooking. You can find it in our favorite yellowish Indian rice, as well as in Italian risotto or Spanish paella.

And it is expensive not only because of the many benefits for human health, but also because it gives a very meager harvest. To get 1 g of saffron, you need about 150 flowers that can only be picked by hand in the morning before the sun rises.

The price of 1 kg of the valuable spice can vary from 500 to 9000 euros, depending on its quality. Due to its high price, you can easily come across fake versions of the spice. Here how to guess the real saffron from the imitations.

1. By aroma

Saffron it has a very rich and strong aroma and you should be able to smell it as soon as you open the jar. It is always sold packaged and you can't find it in bulk, like many other spices that are sold directly on the streets of India, Morocco, etc. If you happen to come across such a sight, it is almost certain that you will be "thrown" with saffron.

2. By its appearance


When saffron is picked, it does not use the whole flower, but only its bright red stigmas and yellow stem. When saffron is first quality, even the stems are removed. This is a very important rule if you want to get really good quality saffron. It's called Molido and does not contain any stems. The other species are Mancha, Rio, Sierra, Standard and Molido, in descending order of quality. Molido is saffron powder and its composition is too vague.

3. By its origin

It does not grow everywhere in the world saffron crocus and therefore it is good to find out in advance in which countries its cultivation is possible and in which not. Also, never buy saffron that says "wild saffron" because it no longer exists. Only cultivated saffron is grown, there are saffron farms even in Bulgaria.

4. At its price

Fake saffron
Fake saffron

Yes, everyone dreams of being able to buy their food at the most affordable price possible. However, as we said at the beginning, this is impossible with regard to saffron - its harvest is very laborious and is also quite modest in quantity. In Bulgaria you will hardly be able to get quality saffron for less than BGN 30 per 1 g (approximately 1 pinch).
