Benefits And Application Of Poppy Oil

Benefits And Application Of Poppy Oil
Benefits And Application Of Poppy Oil

Poppy seed oil is extracted from the seeds of the annual herb poppy, which grows in places with temperate and warm climates, including in our country. It is considered one of the most useful vegetable oils.

Its healing properties have been known to mankind since ancient times. It has a light aroma and pleasant taste. As a dietary supplement, it has a beneficial effect on people who are often subjected to severe stress or severe physical or emotional stress. Poppy seed oil is used also in the cosmetic field and in the production of perfumes.

Poppy seeds have a low content of opiates, but in the preparation of the oil they completely disappear, so there are no special prohibitions for its cultivation and cultivation in most countries.

The plant is widely used because of the many valuable substances that are part of it. Calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and zinc are present in larger quantities. The products with its content act to minimize pain, help with cough and insomnia, normalize the functioning of gastrointestinal problems, treat migraines, colic, jaundice, hemorrhoids and more.

Poppy seed oil helps with migraines
Poppy seed oil helps with migraines

The fatty acids contained in the oil improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair. Antioxidant properties have a rejuvenating effect, smoothing wrinkles and preventing premature aging. Organic cold pressed oil can be used on delicate skin around the eyes. It is also extremely suitable for the sensitive skin of young children.

The systematic use of masks and oils made from its seeds restores and restores the fresh color of the skin and increases its elasticity. The addition of the oil in various therapies prevents breakage and restores the hair along its entire length.

The minerals and vitamins in the composition of poppy oil have a positive effect on emotional and human health. They help to stabilize nervous processes, prevent mental disorders, improve mood, help a person successfully cope with stressful situations that he faces daily.

The significant amount of zinc in the plant increases the body's resistance to various diseases. Zinc is involved in the reproduction of white blood cells, thus improving protection against bacteria and viruses.
