The Ideal Spices For Any Type Of Meat

The Ideal Spices For Any Type Of Meat
The Ideal Spices For Any Type Of Meat

Meat dishes can be varied not only with different ways of cooking meat, but also by changing the spices that are added to them.

The usual list of spiceswhich uses every housewife is quite small: garlic, black and red pepper, dill and parsley. Different types of meat require different spices to be even tastier and more fragrant.


To make pork tasty, it needs black and red pepper, preferably minced. Black and red pepper are added at the end of cooking, because if they are added at the beginning of the heat treatment of the meat, it will become bitter.

Black pepper and hot red pepper are perfect spices for chicken. Hot red pepper is suitable for chicken wings. Black pepper can be added to beans in the broth or to the sauce in which the chicken is cooked.

Spices for steaks
Spices for steaks

Marjoram, rosemary, sage and basil are suitable for chicken. Only one spice can be used, and all can be mixed. Chicken becomes more fragrant if you add ginger or curry to it.

Curry is suitable for all types of meat. It is also suitable for pork, which becomes tastier with nutmeg and coriander.

Red and black pepper, savory and cumin are suitable spices for pork. Pork is very tasty if prepared with the addition of lemon balm, cardamom, bay leaf and white pepper.


Minced meat goes perfectly with oregano, especially if you are cooking an Italian dish. Combined with marjoram, basil and black pepper, oregano will make the minced meat unique. In our latitudes (and not only), cumin is one of the best friends of minced meat.

Beef becomes very tasty with coriander, cumin, turmeric, curry. White, black and red pepper, tarragon, basil and sage are also suitable for beef.

Lamb dishes become more fragrant if saffron, coriander, ginger, cumin and cloves are added. A very small amount of the spice should be used so that it does not dominate the aroma of the meat. In addition, anise, bay leaf, basil, rosemary, mint, tarragon, marjoram, allspice are suitable for lamb.

The taste and aroma of offal dishes will be amazing if you add bay leaf, anise, allspice, rosemary, tarragon, sage, marjoram, savory.
