Cucumbers Improve Appetite

Cucumbers Improve Appetite
Cucumbers Improve Appetite

Crispy cucumbers are a favorite vegetable of many. Their taste qualities are complemented by many healing properties.

Cucumbers have been found to increase appetite and help absorb body fat and protein. Pickles and pickles especially stimulate the appetite and secretion of the digestive glands.

Therefore, appetizing cucumbers are not recommended for people suffering from obesity, gastrointestinal diseases, heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, liver and kidney disease.

Fresh cucumbers have a laxative effect. They are suitable for chronic constipation. Cucumbers stimulate the excretion of bile and urine, so chopped (or grated) fresh cucumbers or their juice can be useful in edema or heart disease.

In folk medicine it is customary to drink fresh cucumber juice and as a sedative and pain reliever for gastrointestinal colic.


Cucumber juice, pure or with the addition of honey, is an effective natural remedy for upper respiratory problems and coughs. For therapeutic purposes in such cases take 2-3 tablespoons of juice two or three times a day.

The water in cucumbers is from 94.3 to 98.2% of the composition of tender vegetables. The dry matter is from 1.8 to 5.7%. The composition of the dry matter has the highest percentage of sugars, followed by nitrogenous substances, cellulose and minerals.

The greatest wealth of cucumbers is their mineral content. The most represented are calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Cucumbers also contain vitamin B, B1, B2 and PP. Their pleasant refreshing taste is due to the free organic acids, and their specific aroma is determined by the content of essential oils.

Proper preservation of cucumbers is of particular importance. It is important to know that cucumbers do not tolerate low temperatures. It is good to keep at a temperature of 7-10 degrees.
