Shocking Restaurant Competitions That Encourage Overeating

Shocking Restaurant Competitions That Encourage Overeating
Shocking Restaurant Competitions That Encourage Overeating

Do you know why cooking competitions are held in restaurants or on TV? This is a very profitable advertisement for the owners and entertainment for their guests. Very often a huge amount of food is prepared, which serves to attract new customers.

Nowadays, the competition is huge, so those who fill your stomach win. Shocking contests and cooking shows are included in the game. In Japan, such shows are implemented by offering their guests to eat a weekly portion of Ramen porridge for only one hour, in addition to eating two liters of soup, as well as eating meat.

If they swallow the whole amount in one hour, they receive a $ 100 gift, and the food is free. For the past 13 years, 600 people have participated in this strange competition, but only 32 of them have won.

In England, the Corner Cafe is famous for its British-style quirks. The people there are crazy about breakfast, and the cafes can't help with their breakfast menu suggestions.

A monstrous mega-breakfast at the same Corner Cafe includes six slices of salami, six slices of bacon, four eggs, two omelets, four types of potatoes, four servings of mushrooms, two pots of beans, two cups of pickles, four types of bread, cakes, two sandwiches with butter and a milkshake.

This huge portion is equal to 7,778 calories. For the winners, the giant breakfast is absolutely free.

Types of bread
Types of bread

Do not be surprised why the competitions for cooking or eating in restaurants or television are profitable advertising - here in Bulgaria we also see such spectacular ads for pizzerias in many cities around the country.
