Shocking Revelation: Vegans Actually Encourage People To Eat Meat

Shocking Revelation: Vegans Actually Encourage People To Eat Meat
Shocking Revelation: Vegans Actually Encourage People To Eat Meat

As peaceful, environmentally friendly and humane as it is the philosophy of vegans, it is unknown why most of them have a tendency to propagate it extremely aggressively and instructively.

In November, when the world celebrates the month of vegans, it is good to note this feature of the mass behavior of people who reject meat. Although the above does not apply to everyone, the fact is that once they choose the path of veganism, its followers start trumpeting everywhere what their decision is.

In addition, they condemn in every possible way anyone who does not share their views. Thus, communication with them becomes a real nightmare even for their close relatives and friends.

However, new research shows that it is their extreme behavior that repels people and they not only start to shy away from veganism, thinking of it as antisocial, but give up even vegetarianism and return to meat.


According to the survey, 26 percent of people because of aggressive vegan messages on social networks people consuming meat, abandon the idea of vegetarianism because they are disgusted by the extreme behavior of vegans.

In a study of psychologists from the University of York, UK, more than 8,000 people were interviewed. fed on meat. They were asked if they had ever considered giving up meat and embarking on the path of vegetarianism, and what exactly was stopping them.

Nearly 43 percent of the participants answered yes to the first question. Many of them said they loved meat and therefore could not stop it. 43 percent said meat substitutes are too expensive and cannot be afforded.

About 70 percent said their family likes meat and does not want to be separated from their loved ones. 22 percent were not convinced that vegetarianism was good for the body, and as many as 69 percent were repulsed by the position of vegans and their constant propaganda on the Internet.

While not the main reason people give up vegetarianism, analysts say vegans are the most irritating factor. While the other factors are a matter of will and finances, the ultimate vegan propaganda causes irritation and even hatred for the idea of giving up meat.
