Portion Size

Portion Size
Portion Size

To maintain your health and stay in shape, you need to know how much to eat. In many restaurants, the portions are huge in order to attract customers.

The more, the better, some believe, but the portion size increases the size of the waist.

Portion size is important because no food group can give our body all the nutrients it needs.

The salvation is one - the variety of products. Food portions should include protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. When you know this, you will also determine how to eat.

You need to keep in mind that the size of your stomach also matters. Large portions in restaurants fit in huge plates, so you may think that the stomach is quite a large organ.

Portion size
Portion size

But the truth is that your stomach is as big as your fist - when it is empty, but it has the ability to stretch to the size of an open palm when food enters it.

It holds about a liter and a half of food. You need to get up from the table when your stomach is about eighty percent full to make room for proper digestion.

To properly measure the portions and the amount of substances you need to consume through the products during the day, use your hand as a measuring tool.

One serving of protein fits in the palm of your hand, one serving of carbohydrates - from the wrist to the fingertips, and the oil or olive oil - no more than one tablespoon per serving.

Depending on your body size and lifestyle, you can consume three to five such portions, which consist of a variety of products.

Five servings of vegetables a day are many, according to some, but one serving of vegetables equals one hundred grams, so you can get five servings from a giant salad.
