Let's Clean The Nitrates With Proper Treatment

Let's Clean The Nitrates With Proper Treatment
Let's Clean The Nitrates With Proper Treatment

Nitrates are mineral nitrogen that is converted to nitrite in humans. The latter suppresses respiration and causes a number of diseases.

Most often, the nitrates we take enter our body through the intake of fruits and vegetables.

In order to reduce the content of nitrates in the already purchased fruits and vegetables, we must proceed to their proper processing before consumption.

Here are the basic steps that every housewife should follow to protect herself and her family from the harmful effects of this poison:

The vegetables are soaked at least 10 minutes before consumption, as nitrates are soluble in water. Leafy and leafy vegetables should be soaked 1-2 hours before consumption. This will remove up to 70% of the nitrates.

Nitrates in vegetables
Nitrates in vegetables

Vegetables and fruits purchased from the store must be deeply peeled, as the highest content of nitrates is in the peel and just below it.

This is most necessary for potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, watermelons and others.


Remove the "most nitrate" parts of the plants, ie. the outermost, subjected to the most nitrate treatment and the base of lettuce.

Buy and consume as ripe fruits and vegetables as possible - the content of nitrates in them is significantly lower than unripe or overripe.

The heat treatment decomposes one part of the nitrates and another passes into the decoction.

Therefore, discard the water while still warm, when boiling - if you wait for it to cool, the nitrates will return to the vegetables.

Such a procedure reduces up to 80% of nitrates. The content of nitrites is most reduced when steaming - 30-70%, in water 20-40%, and when frying 15%.

It is good to eat vegetables seasoned with lemon - it prevents the conversion of nitrates into nitrites.

Fruit juices, especially carrots and beets, must be freshly squeezed. Thus, most of the nitrate remains in the separated cellulose.

In the case of tomatoes, the heat treatment halves the nitrates, but it must be borne in mind that the longer they stay, the more nitrates have become nitrites.
