Rules For Drying Mushrooms

Rules For Drying Mushrooms
Rules For Drying Mushrooms

It is extremely pleasant to walk through the forest and return with a basket full of mushrooms. And to keep the aroma of these forest dwellers for a long time, there are some tricks.

So in winter you will be able to enjoy the rich smell of mushrooms, which will smell like freshly picked. For this purpose, they must be dried well.

One way to dry is to pierce each sponge with a needle that has a thread. This results in a long string of pre-cleaned mushrooms. However, they are not washed, but only cleaned of debris and cut off excessively damaged areas.

The mushrooms are not strung whole, but cut into slices that are not too thin, but in no case thick. This allows them to dry evenly.

The stringing should be done so that the mushrooms do not touch each other and air circulates between them. Find a convenient place to hang the mushroom strings and just wait for them to dry.

Another option for drying mushrooms is to scatter them in a tray and dry them in the oven. For this purpose, they are heated for about an hour at a temperature of 30-40 degrees.


Then they must dry completely in the open air, otherwise you risk drying them out. Then the mushrooms will lose their aroma and valuable substances.

Dried mushrooms are best stored in a packet made of gauze or cloth, in a ventilated place and away from products with a saturated odor, as mushrooms can absorb it.

Avoid keeping them in a humid place, because they will spoil. Pay attention to the fact that properly dried mushrooms bend and dried ones break.

If your mushrooms are still dry, make mushroom powder from them. Grind them in a coffee grinder, add salt to taste and some dried green spices. This powder is an ideal spice for meat, a base for sauces and turns the omelet into an incredible delight for the palate.

Mushroom powder is best stored in glass jars with tight-fitting lids. Its shelf life is about ten months. In this way, mushrooms are absorbed even better by our body than fresh ones.
