The Most Typical Dishes For The Balkan Table

The Most Typical Dishes For The Balkan Table
The Most Typical Dishes For The Balkan Table

As the concept Balkan table applies to all those countries that are geographically defined to the Balkan Peninsula (Bulgarian, Albanian, Greek, Turkish, Serbian, Croatian, Romanian cuisine, etc.), here it will be very difficult to present you specific recipes, and will let's focus on what is typical of Balkan cuisine generally.


We know that the favorite cold soup of the Bulgarians is a tarator, and to the warm ones we cannot fail to mention the tripe soup, which is popular in all countries within the Ottoman Empire.

A characteristic element in the preparation of soups in the Balkan manner is the addition at the end of their preparation of a stuffing of fat (usually butter) and flour (maybe red pepper) in order to thicken them. We call such soups "soups" and among them the most famous are bean soup and lentils. No less popular are vegetable clear soups, meat soups and fish.


Sushenitsa is a traditional appetizer in the Balkan table
Sushenitsa is a traditional appetizer in the Balkan table

Well, yes - appetizers, which in Spain are called tapas, and the Italians call them "antipasta", are a typical Balkan appetizer. Under appetizers, however, we usually refer to thinly sliced ham, sausage, dried meat, fillet, pastrami, etc. Without them, as well as without cheese, the Balkan table would lose its identity.


Although we call it Shopska salad, it is far from typical only for the Sofia region. On the contrary. Salads made from tomatoes and cucumbers are popular throughout the Balkan Peninsula. In spring they are replaced by green salads, in autumn by roasted peppers, and in winter by pickles.

Main dishes

moussaka is common in Balkan cuisine
moussaka is common in Balkan cuisine

Photo: Lilia Tsacheva / Lipodve

Among the most established main dishes that can be all year round met at the Balkan table, are moussaka, stuffed peppers and sauerkraut, kavrmi, lean stews or stews with meat, etc. Fish is also highly valued.


Whether they are Serbian burgers or tongs, Turkish skewers or meatballs and kebabs in "our" style, the grill is a favorite of all Balkan nations.


It is difficult to list them, but in all parts of the Balkan Peninsula are prepared all kinds of breads, cakes, tutmanitsi, pies, burek and many others. Romanians, on the other hand, adore their mamaliga, which often replaces ordinary bread on their table.

No matter which Balkan country you are in, you will quickly find out that bread, like all baked goods, is actually perceived as "essential" for the Balkan peoples.
