How Many Calories And Carbohydrates Are In A Banana?

How Many Calories And Carbohydrates Are In A Banana?
How Many Calories And Carbohydrates Are In A Banana?

Bananas are extremely healthy and nutritious and contain important nutrients.

Many people wonder how much calories and carbohydrates are in bananas.

Read this article and you will find the answers to these questions.

How many calories do different sizes of bananas have?

- Minimum size (81 g): 72 calories

- Small size (101 g): 90 calories

- Average size (118 g): 105 calories

- Large size (136 g): 121 calories

- Very large size (152 g): 135 calories

- Cut into pieces (150 g): 134 calories

- Puree (225 g): 200 calories

93% of the calories in a banana come from carbohydrates, 4% protein and 3% fat.

How many carbohydrates are in a banana?

- Minimum size (81 g): 19 g

- Small size (101 g): 23 g

- Average size (118 g): 27 g

- Large size (136 g): 31 g

- Very large size (152 g): 35 g

- Cut into pieces (150 g): 34 g

- Puree (225 g): 51 g

Bananas are almost entirely composed of water and carbohydrates. They also contain 2-4 g of fiber, depending on their size.

In addition, the ripeness of bananas can affect their carbohydrate content.

Generally speaking, green bananas contain less digestible carbohydrates than ripe bananas.

Green bananas
Green bananas

Green bananas contain more resistant starch.

The main nutrient in bananas is carbohydrates, but their carbohydrate composition changes dramatically during their ripening.

Green bananas contain large amounts of starch, and part of this starch is resistant starch.

Because banana starch is converted to sugar during ripening, yellow bananas contain much less resistant starch than green ones. In fact, the content of resistant starch in a fully ripe banana is less than 1%.

Persistent starch is a type of indigestible carbohydrate that has a beneficial effect on the good bacteria in our gut.

Bananas contain many other useful nutrients

Bananas contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals.

One medium-sized banana contains:

Calories in a banana
Calories in a banana

- Fiber: 3.1 g

- Vitamin B6: 22% of the recommended daily intake

- Vitamin C: 17% of the recommended daily intake

- Manganese: 16% of the recommended daily intake

- Potassium: 12% of the recommended daily intake

- Magnesium: 8% of the recommended daily intake

- Folic acid: 6% of the recommended daily intake

- Honey: 5% of the recommended daily intake

- Riboflavin (vitamin B2): 5% of the recommended daily intake.
