The Hungarian Diet Of Dr. Baykova

The Hungarian Diet Of Dr. Baykova
The Hungarian Diet Of Dr. Baykova

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Every lady has been on a diet at least once to gain a perfect body. There are many diets that offer all sorts of ways to lose weight.

Recently, the Internet space has become popular Dr. Baykova's diet, also called Hungarian. According to her, there is no diet that works wonders. But there are a few things we need to know about the perfect diet.

According to Dr. Baykova, any sudden change in our diet can harm our body. Professor Dr. Donka Baikova is one of the most famous and sought-after doctors by people who want to know what is the right diet for them.

Dr. Baikova has specialized in Germany, Ukraine, Hungary and Slovakia. She manages the national monitoring of the nutrition of the population in Bulgaria. She says that most often women ask her how to lose 3-4 pounds as fast as possible. Men also ask her this question.

The professor shares that we Bulgarians eat differently in both winter and summer. We like to eat blissfully in the winter and that's why we gain weight. In summer, however, there is a great variety of fruits and vegetables. They help a lot in the fight against weight gain.

Weight loss according to Dr. Baykova it doesn't happen from today to tomorrow. She jokes that if she had a magic pill, she would know for sure. If we want to lose weight, we must make an effort. We must follow a diet. This regime should not interfere with our daily lives, because everything that burdens and stresses us, we do it for two days, and then we give it up and we all know why.

Our food does not have to be measured. We need to eat more food that contains natural ingredients. She advises not to take any diet without consulting specialists.

The Hungarian diet of Dr. Baykova, which lasts seven days, works wonders according to the people who tried it. In the diet she recommends, we need to properly combine what we eat. Her diet includes:

Day 1 to 3

Diet of Professor Baykova
Diet of Professor Baykova

Fruits and vegetables in the first 3 days - this means that we should eat only fruits and vegetables for three days. However, they must not have undergone heat treatment, but must be raw. We all know that what is sold in stores is full of pesticides and nitrates.

The nutritionist advises that before consumption, fruits and vegetables bought from the store should be soaked in water with a spoonful of baking soda.

It should be noted that root crops such as beets and radishes should be peeled, because otherwise they are not so useful, but rather harmful.

Day 4

On day 4 of the diet we should focus on cottage cheese and whole grains. Thus, the body is slightly nourished after the days of fruits and vegetables.

Day 5 and 6

On the fifth and sixth day of the diet, fish is consumed, which should be roasted, not fried.

Day 7

The Hungarian diet of Professor Baikova
The Hungarian diet of Professor Baikova

On the seventh day, which is the last, only foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids are eaten. Walnuts, fish, spinach, beans and others can be taken.

Professor Baykova advised during the so-called Hungarian diet not to drink alcohol and not to smoke cigarettes. Alcohol and cigarettes slow down the metabolism and make losing weight more difficult.

The effect of the diet can be seen on day 8. In seven days you can lose 5 kilograms, and maybe 7, which means that you lose a kilogram a day.

Dr. Baykova's diet can be repeated again after a seven-day break. You can repeat it as many times as you want, but it is important to have a seven-day break after each repetition.
