How To Make Delicious Keto Burgers?

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Video: How To Make Delicious Keto Burgers?

Video: How To Make Delicious Keto Burgers?
How To Make Delicious Keto Burgers?
How To Make Delicious Keto Burgers?

Keto nutrition is something new in diets that is being imposed and chosen more and more often. This type of diet is also known as high-fat eating, but the term comes from ketosis. This is a condition in which many ketone bodies are present in the body, which burn fat to give the body energy.

The keto diet was created as a curative diet, but is now required as a weight loss diet. In any case, by losing weight, we gain the health benefits of the diet. The health benefits are mainly for epileptic seizures, but it is a good solution for hormonal imbalances, autoimmune diseases, gluten intolerance, menopausal problems and others.

The keto diet is a rather extreme proposal for our way of eating, in which bread occupies a central place. In the keto recipes there is no flour except almond or other nuts. The so-called fahted dough is made. It is very popular among those who switch to low-carb, high-fat foods. To some extent it replaces bread products. Great solution for burgers.

For to Prepare a Keto Burger |, you need mozzarella, almond flour, egg, cheese and spices. Here's how to make your own burgers.

Necessary products:

180 g of grated yellow cheese

90 g almond flour

50 g cream cheese

How to make delicious keto burgers?
How to make delicious keto burgers?

2 small eggs

Himalayan salt and other spices of your choice


The yellow cheese and cream cheese are dissolved in a water bath. All other products are added. Make a dough, which is divided into 8 small loaves. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake for about 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees until golden brown. The loaves are cooled on a wire rack.

The burgers are made of cakes that are stacked on top of each other, and between them is the filling. It is made of minced beef meatballs, a little melted cheese and a leaf of lettuce. Cherry tomatoes can also be added.

The vegetarian keto burger can be with tahini, which is a favorite snack.

Keto burgers are a great healthy substitute for many people's favorite fast food and are a way to give up the habit of consuming harmful products.
