Diet For Hypothyroidism

Diet For Hypothyroidism
Diet For Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is characterized by decreased production of thyroid hormones. The lack of these hormones leads to problems with most organs.

In hypothyroidism, a certain diet should be followed. It emphasizes the stimulation of oxidative processes in the body.

Limiting the energy value of food should be at the expense of carbohydrates and to a lesser extent at the expense of fats.

It is important to limit the consumption of products rich in cholesterol - animal fats, fatty meats, oily fish, offal, butter, cream, sugar, honey, jam, pasta.

Diet for hypothyroidism
Diet for hypothyroidism

Emphasis should be placed on products that are rich in plant cellulose - vegetables and fruits that are not sweet. Cellulose creates a feeling of satiety with few calories.

Salt consumption should be limited. It is good to eat five or six meals to avoid starvation. The consumption of rye and wholemeal bread is recommended.

Puff pastry and yeast dough are not allowed. You can eat up to three eggs a week, preferably soft-boiled.

It is recommended to consume milk, lactic acid drinks, non-fat cottage cheese, unsalted cheese. Cream can be consumed, but of vegetable origin.

Consumption of pasta and legumes is limited. Consumption of raw, roasted and cooked vegetables is recommended.

Consumption of mushrooms, turnips, spinach, dock is limited. Care must be taken with desserts. Consumption of sweet creams, ice cream and chocolate is limited.
