Gathering Around The Holiday Table Unites The Family

Gathering Around The Holiday Table Unites The Family
Gathering Around The Holiday Table Unites The Family

In order to survive the flood of life, each person needs a kind of Noah's ark to guide him through the storms and whirlpools of everyday life. There is no safer haven than the family. Our loved ones are the armor that protects us from adversity and difficulties on our way.

That is why family reunification is extremely important for the survival of each genus and each member of it. The task facing each of us, as part of the family community, is to make the necessary efforts to unite this community in order to have a secure foothold in the battles with life.

The traditions that unite the family as a guarantee for the survival and well-being of each of its members:

This simple truth has long been understood by our ancestors. That is why people in ancient times have created traditions in which the family comes together to strengthen and strengthen ties between them. This happens most often on major Christian holidays, when everyone is in a hurry to join the family gathering around the table.

Each of the holidays has its own rituals, which are performed by people with close family ties, gathered to celebrate the holiday together. It is no coincidence that the presence of many family holidays in the calendar. Highly family are Christmas Eve and Christmas, Sirni Zagovezni, when forgiveness is requested, Easter and the Day of the Christian Family and others. The simultaneous performance of different rituals by family members creates in each of them a sense of community and creates a sense of unity, to share the same values and belonging to the common whole.

uniting the family around the table
uniting the family around the table

Traditional festive lunches and dinners around the table and their importance for family reunification

After the rituals typical of each holiday, the people of the family gather around the table for a festive lunch or dinner. The very preparation of food for the holiday creates a sense of community and brings satisfaction to every member of the family who participates in it.

In the Christian tradition, specific dishes are prepared for each holiday, and this requirement is based on the view that this creates a sense of cyclicity. It creates a joyful anticipation of favorite dishes and the pleasure of sharing them with loved ones.

Gathering around the table Food sharing is also a time when people appreciate what has happened to them, remember how important it is to be together, and this is a boost in the spiritual, moral and moral development of each person.

For the little ones members of the family community is a time for the formation of personality, character and family values and ideals, as well as the attitude towards food. Creating a sense of family belonging in the young generation is a guarantee for the growth of spiritually strong and courageous people.
