Horse Sausage - The Dietary Delicacy

Horse Sausage - The Dietary Delicacy
Horse Sausage - The Dietary Delicacy

Horse meat is a delicacy, and although many people raise their eyebrows in surprise, the truth is that it is delicious if cooked properly. It does not contain any fat, which makes it suitable for people who are trying to eat healthily. Horse meat is suitable for all kinds of cooking feats - minced meat, steaks, sausage.

What is important is that the animal is not old, but let's say that there is no way to be sure whether the animal is old or not when we buy it. However, older horses have tougher meat and cooking becomes a real feat.

It is easiest to make meat on a sausage. You don't need much preparation for this, but there are a few things you need to follow to get a delicious sausage in the end.

traditional sausage
traditional sausage

Just like donkey and horse meat is quite dry, as already mentioned without fat. That is why if you make sausage you need to put other meat to get it. It should be fatter, and in addition you need to add bacon.

If you do not put other meat or bacon, the sausage will not be tasty - it will be difficult to chew. The other meat can be pork - this is probably the best choice.

Preparation of sausage
Preparation of sausage

In percentage terms, things should look like this - you need about 40% horse meat, the same amount of pork and the remaining 20% trust the bacon. Spices should be added.

It is best to put the same spices that you add to the other homemade sausage - cumin and black pepper, again equal amounts of both. In fact, everything else is like sausages from another type of meat.

Do not think that eating horse meat is disgusting or that it is not tasty - the horse is one of the cleanest animals. He feeds on certain things, not like other animals with anything that comes his way.

It is much more expensive than meat than the others, because it has the status of a delicacy, but if you make your horse sausages, you will make sure that they become really tasty. On cold winter days, the most suitable are with a glass of not very cold red wine and a loved one.
