Christmas In Korea: Religious Traditions And Food

Christmas In Korea: Religious Traditions And Food
Christmas In Korea: Religious Traditions And Food

Christianity is relatively new to Asia, but today about 30% of South Korea's population is Christian. Therefore, Christmas is celebrated by Christian Korean families and is also an official holiday (although South Korea is officially Buddhist).

South Korea is the only East Asian country to recognize Christmas as a national holiday, so schools, businesses and government departments are closed at Christmas.

Shops remain open and the Christmas holiday usually does not provide them with a long winter break, as is often the case in other countries and cultures.

Christmas is banned in North Korea and therefore those living there cannot decorate or celebrate the holiday in any way.

Religious traditions

Traditions and food in Korea
Traditions and food in Korea

South Korean Christians celebrate Christmas similar to the way the holiday is celebrated here, but with less emphasis on gifts and decorations and more emphasis on the religious traditions that underlie the holiday.

In Korea, Christmas is primarily a religious holiday and less of an excuse for shopping and spending in general. Families can attend a liturgy or church service on Christmas Eve or Christmas (or both), and Christmas parties are popular with young Christians on Christmas Eve.

Santa is popular with children in Korea (known as Santa Harabuee) and wears either a red or blue Santa costume. The children know him as a happy figure of Santa giving presents, and the shops hire Santa to greet customers and hand out chocolate and candy.

People in Korea usually exchange gifts on Christmas Eve, and instead of piles, it is customary for everyone to receive one.

Food and dishes

Christmas in Korea: Religious Traditions and Food
Christmas in Korea: Religious Traditions and Food

Some families celebrate Christmas with food and gatherings at home, but Koreans also celebrate Christmas by going out. Restaurants are busy at Christmas, as it is considered a romantic holiday for couples (just like Valentine's Day), and theme parks and shows have special Christmas events.

Christmas buffets are popular in Seoul and many residents book their Christmas meals long before the holiday. You can find everything from traditional roast turkey to sushi and crab legs.
