Let's Make Hemp Oil

Let's Make Hemp Oil
Let's Make Hemp Oil

The benefits of hemp oil are numerous. Experts call it the most balanced oil in nature. It helps reduce bad cholesterol in the blood, serves to prevent heart attacks, treats dryness, psoriasis, eczema and neurodermatitis. It has anti-inflammatory properties, improves skin elasticity, increases metabolism, and in recent years more and more scientists claim that its use can cure the plague of our time - cancer.

Here's how you can make your own hemp oil:

The highest quality product is made from hemp heads, but if you find it difficult to find a sufficient amount, you can also use the leaves, which are also rich in nutrients. You need 28 grams of dried hemp flowers and 2 cups of oil. For the cooking technology itself, you will need a large saucepan, a wooden spoon, a large transparent bowl or dish, cheesecloth and duct tape.

Method of preparation: Grind the hemp as finely as possible. Fill the pot with water and let it boil on the stove. An important point in the preparation of the oil is that the plant mass is at the bottom of the vessel so that it can retain its useful substances during heat treatment.

After the water boils, add the oil and wait for it to melt completely. Once this is done, reduce the heat to low heat and add the finely chopped hemp. This mixture should simmer over low heat for about two hours. Do not let the mixture boil, as this will damage the nutrients contained in the hemp. Don't forget to stir. Gradually the mixture will acquire a dark color and thicken.

Once the mixture is ready, put two layers of cheesecloth on the transparent dish and strain it through it. After three hours the mixture should be ready, squeeze the hemp oil through the cheesecloth into the bowl so that it does not spill. Pour the mixture into the cheesecloth, carefully take the ends of the cheesecloth and squeeze out the rest.

Hemp oil
Hemp oil

Allow the hemp oil to cool and place it in the refrigerator for two hours. After this period, the water separates from the oil. Carefully separate the hemp product from the transparent bowl with a knife and place it in the container in which you will store it. It is important to know that if you prefer to consume the oil in a liquid state, you should not melt it in the microwave, because hemp loses some of its useful properties.
