Different Types Of Onions

Different Types Of Onions
Different Types Of Onions

Onions are an extremely popular vegetable all over the world. In Bulgaria there is almost no dish in which onions are not put, and in addition to cooking, it is a great helper in healing folk medicine. About 1,200 types of onions are known, of which we use only a few - onions, leeks, green onions and Siberian onions (although less often). We will look at the most popular and used in our country types of onions.

Onion - used the heads of the plant before winter, has a strong pungent odor and spicy taste, often when cutting money on the eyes.

Red onion
Red onion

Red onion - is on the heads again. It has a red color and much less spicy and mild taste than white. It is suitable for salads and extremely useful for cholesterol problems and cardiovascular diseases.

Yellow onion - quite spicy and common, yellow onion is a perennial herb that has the taste of white and is used in cooking.

Green onion
Green onion

Green onions - this is actually the young onion plant. Its leaves are fresh and green, most common in spring and autumn.

Leek - we enjoy it in our latitudes during the winter. Leek is most delicious when it is young - the older stalks have a hard shell and are quite spicy.

Siberian onion (wild garlic) - has a milder taste than green onions, also used in cooking - as a main vegetable or spice. Well known in Europe and Asia, Siberian onion is suitable for preparing dishes with eggs, potatoes, salads.

Arpadzhik - is a very small bulbs that taste the same as onions, but are a little sweeter. Arpadzhik is planted and the onion sprouts from it, it is also suitable for garnishes.

Wild onions
Wild onions

Chives - has a slightly different taste than onions and is used very often in folk medicine. Helps with pains such as lung infections, sore throat, swelling, used in the treatment of dysentery and more.

Garlic - has a strong odor that differs from other types of onions. Extremely useful, often used in cooking both raw and cooked.


Shallots - very valuable in the famous French cuisine, shallots are a member of the Allium family, but are rarely used in our country. It has a much richer and stronger taste than ordinary onions. Shallots are very suitable for stews, soups, sauces, and its taste combines perfectly with chicken and fish. In appearance it is a small tuber with a copper color of the scales and a whitish core with reddish impurities.

Samardala - a herbaceous plant used as a spice. Its leaves are picked before flowering begins. After chopping, mix with salt and allow to dry. The crushed spice is used to improve the taste of cooked meat dishes, chicken, mushrooms, eggs, cucumber and tomato salads.
