Culinary Application Of Mint

Culinary Application Of Mint
Culinary Application Of Mint

The mint plant has been known to mankind since ancient times. Even Pliny the Elder describes its mint aroma and its properties to enhance brain activity in his works. It is a cross of mint.

Mint is a perennial plant whose leaves contain essential oil, polyphenols, organic acids, phytosterols, rosemary acid, tannin and more. It is most often used in cooking because of its amazing taste and aroma. It has a specific, strong but pleasant aroma and slightly pungent taste.

Mint is extremely important for Bulgarian cuisine, as it is present in the recipe for the most important and most Bulgarian dish, namely beans.

Prepared in any form, it requires the presence of mint. It is mandatory for all light summer dishes. When the mint smells, then spring has come.

Both fresh and dried mint is used in Bulgaria. It is a wonderful spice for spinach and quinoa, lamb, mutton and skewers, stuffing, stewed and cooked meats.

It goes well with almost any lean and blissful dish. Care must be taken when combining it with other spices, as it is too strong and can dull them. Combines with other herbs such as black pepper, bay leaf, parsley, garlic, celery and savory.

White beans
White beans

Mint is often added as a flavoring to meatballs, steaks, mushrooms, sauerkraut, fresh beans, lentils and peas, sauces, pickles, even in hot sandwiches.

In addition, the intense aroma of mint makes it the number one ingredient for flavoring some liqueurs. It can also be used decoratively, as a decoration for various dishes.

Besides culinary, the spice also has healing properties, actively used in folk medicine. It is used in recipes against fatigue, as a restorative and invigorating agent.

Massages with mint essential oil eliminate severe fatigue and headaches, and fresh leaves are taken against nausea and vomiting.
