Mursal Tea - Bulgarian Viagra

Mursal Tea - Bulgarian Viagra
Mursal Tea - Bulgarian Viagra

Mursal tea is also known as Pirin tea, Sharplanin tea, and many people know it as Bulgarian Viagra.

This herb is useful for many health problems - the plant reaches a height of 50 cm. The herb is grown in the high mountainous regions of southern Bulgaria.

Mursal tea grows only on the Balkan Peninsula - it is called the Bulgarian Viagra, because the herb is extremely effective for prostate problems or urination. It also gives men sexual power, according to various sources.

Mursal tea is a great immune stimulant - the decoction of the herb is extremely effective for coughs and bronchial conditions, liver problems, and helps with gastrointestinal disorders.

It is also believed that regular consumption of Mursal tea can slow the development of various diseases, including atherosclerosis and cancer. The herb also helps with osteoporosis and lowers blood pressure.

The prostate
The prostate

In Bulgarian folk medicine, Mursal tea is recommended for sore throats, chest pain and more.

You can make a decoction with the herb, and for this you need 3 tbsp. dried Mursal tea and a liter of water. Bring the herb to a boil for about 3 minutes, then remove from the heat. This mixture is taken on an empty stomach in a glass of wine.

You can also take the drink as iced tea - just boil 20 stalks in four liters of water. Boil the mixture for five minutes and then remove from the heat and allow to cool.

Then take the drink cold, it is good not to sweeten it. Drink a quarter of an hour before meals.

The taste of tea is pleasant and delicate. The herb contains many useful substances, including copper, selenium, iron, zinc and others. Mursal tea is also rich in flavonoids, essential oils and antioxidants.

It is even believed that this herb is universal and can be useful for any ailments. Various sources recommend consuming an extract of the herb, as 90% of the useful ingredients of Mursal tea are preserved in the extract.
