Casserole - How To Use?

Casserole - How To Use?
Casserole - How To Use?

We often mistakenly think that the casserole or the other pottery is a Bulgarian or at least a Balkan invention. At the risk of reducing your national pride or self-confidence by one degree, we will tell you that in fact such vessels were used in ancient Rome.

But probably the worst thing is that no matter who invented them and when, even we rarely use them anymore. And as a saying goes, Whatever rubbish you fill a casserole with, you will hardly taste a more wonderful dish than what is cooked in it.

However, we will not consider here the history of the casserole, nor will we focus mainly on specific recipes in a casserole. We will only remind you of some important rules when the use of a clay pot.

When you have bought a casserole or other clay pot and you want it to please you for a longer time, it is important to apply a hardening mu. This is done by filling the container with cold water, letting it stand for 1 hour, then place it in a cold oven and gradually increase the temperature in it.


Photo: Albena Assenova

When the water in casserole boil, leave it for 5 minutes, then turn off the oven and wait for the clay pot to cool completely before removing it. Now he is ready to use.

Basically rule for the use of casserole, pots or other earthenware is that they are never placed in a preheated oven, and that it is not desirable dishes cooked in them to be at high temperatures. The longer and the lower it is cook with clay pots, the tastier becomes what is in them.

Without contradicting the above, it is important to know that initially the clay pot it should be left at about 180-200 ° C (not in a preheated oven) for about 30-40 minutes, so that the products in it can "start" to cook.

Sealing the casserole with dough
Sealing the casserole with dough

Photo: marcheva14

Then reduce the oven to 150-170 ° C, taking into account the fact that the lower the temperature, the slower your dish will be ready. And, on the other hand, don't forget that the longer you cook it, the more irresistible it will taste.

When preparing lean dishes in a casserole, it is not necessary to seal its lid. But this does not apply if you roast meat in it, especially if you prepare the traditional kapama. Prepare a sticky dough of water and flour and seal the opening of the clay pot with it to get a really perfect meat dish. The only bad thing about this procedure is that you can't see what's going on inside casserole.

Washing the casserole it should not be done with abrasives, but with faith. It is also good before the next use of the clay pots to fill them with cold water, leave them to rest for 1 hour and only then put in them the products intended for cooking. After all, nothing so complicated, right?

And to finish deliciously, we offer you to try our delicious recipes for shank in casserole, chicken casserole, lean casserole, beans in casserole.
