The Secrets Of The Perfect Dough

The Secrets Of The Perfect Dough
The Secrets Of The Perfect Dough

Whether you prepare dough for pizzas, cakes, cupcakes, small cakes, muffins and buns, it is important not only to choose quality products, but also to follow some basic rules when preparing it.

In fact, the technology for making the perfect dough is not that complicated, but it is extremely important for achieving it. Here's what it's good to know and follow if you want to charm your loved ones or guests with perfectly prepared pasta every time:

- No matter what dough you knead, always try to sift the flour. In this way it becomes more fragile and porous;

- If you knead bread dough, use yeast, being careful not to scald it. For other types of pasta, you can use baking soda or ammonia soda, but it is also good to put them in flour, not in milk or eggs;

- When preparing crumbly dough, always bake it at a high temperature, because otherwise it will become too hard;

- When you put the dough in the oven, do not open it for at least 20 minutes, because it will not swell;

The secrets of the perfect dough
The secrets of the perfect dough

- When preparing pies, knead the dough for a longer time, but not when preparing dough for light biscuits or saltines with yeast;

- If you make cakes, Easter cakes or pies, do not overdo the fat that you put on the bottom of the pan, because in this way the dough will be fried and not baked;

- When you put cooked dough to bake, do not increase the oven temperature too much. It becomes most delicious if you bake it over a moderate heat. Also, do not open the oven for at least 15 minutes so that it swells enough;

- If your recipe requires beating the egg whites, do not add them to the rest of the mixture with a mixer, but mix them very lightly with a spoon. The aim is not to displace the air from the protein mass;

- No matter what dough you put in the oven, never close the door with a bang, because the sudden penetration of air will prevent the dough from rising;

- After removing the dough from the oven, give it time to acclimatize and do not put it away immediately, but leave it near the hot oven for at least 10 minutes.
