In What Diseases Are Cherries Useful

In What Diseases Are Cherries Useful
In What Diseases Are Cherries Useful

Every spring we look forward to one of the first fresh fruits - cherries. After the long cold months and not so useful food that we consume through them, they are one of the first useful and delicious pleasures of spring. It turns out that these little red fruits are just a storehouse of useful components for the human body. Let's look at what they are the benefits of cherries.

Why are cherries useful?

Cherries contain:

- organic acids - folic, pantothenic;

- macro and microelements - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, iron and others;

- many vitamins - A, B, C, E, PP, N;

- a large amount of pectin;

- sugars - 75% fructose and 20% glucose.

Despite the high content of vitamins and minerals, cherries are low in calories - 100 grams contains only 52 kcal. So for those who want a good dose of nutrients but do not want to gain weight, cherries are a great choice.

In addition to the fact that eating cherries is a great way to replenish your body with vitamins and minerals, you can also help him cope with some diseases.

When what diseases are useful cherries?

For the cardiovascular system

For this system of our body, the cherry fruit is an indispensable tool. Due to their high content of vitamin potassium, P, coumarin and oxycoumarin, cherries will help strengthen the cardiovascular system. Namely:

- normalize blood clotting, reduce the risk of blood clots and angina pectoris;

- with high blood pressure will help it return to normal;

- strengthen blood vessels and capillaries;

- supports the function of hematopoiesis;

- lower cholesterol thanks to vitamin PP and pectin.

The cherry is also called a heart fruit and this is not because of its red color, but because of its colossal benefits for the cardiovascular system. The darker and richer the color of the cherry, the more it contains useful components for this system.

For the gastrointestinal tract

The chemical composition of fresh cherries contains a set of tannins that have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect on the digestive tract. Interestingly, they contain some substances that are not tolerated by the causes of parasitic infections - staphylococci and amoebae. Therefore, cherries promote recovery from dysentery and some other related diseases.

Consuming cherries will help to deal with constipation. Pectin, as an indigestible substance, stimulates the intestinal muscles and improves peristalsis.

You should keep in mind that when consumed in abundance, cherries stimulate the production of a large number of digestive enzymes and contribute to the appearance of hunger.

For the kidneys

Cherries contain potassium, which makes them a good diuretic. It allows the body to more effectively regulate the processes of urine reabsorption and excretion of harmful substances in the urine. Therefore, cherries in any form - fresh fruit, jam, juice - are recommended for use in stones and various inflammations of the kidneys and bladder.

For the musculoskeletal system

Benefits of cherry juice
Benefits of cherry juice

It is known that cherries extract and remove excess salts from the joints, thus eliminating inflammation. In folk medicine, cherry juice (1 glass before meals) is used in rheumatism and arthritis, as well as in the treatment of gout. The use of cherries enhances the effect of medication in these diseases.

The element boron contained in cherries, together with calcium and magnesium, strengthens bone strength and protects against osteoporosis.

For the nervous system

Cherries contain melatonin, which is responsible for good sleep and memory. Cherry juice or water extract is used as a sedative.

Cherries are a strong painkiller, comparable to some drugs. The anthocyanins in cherries reduce pain by blocking inflammatory enzymes. It is enough to eat about 20 fruits.

Immunity and colds

Cherries are a rich source of antioxidants. These are vitamin C and vitamin A, vitamin E and quercetin, the amount of which is almost equal to the amount of vitamins. All of these vitamins in cherries effectively fight free radicals in every part of the body, preventing them from leading to mutations and cancer.

In addition, the benefits of vitamins A and C are that they strengthen the immune system itself, creating an insurmountable barrier to various bacteria, microbes and viruses. The high content of various vitamins and minerals will prevent their deficiency in the body.

When you cough, you can drink cherry juice, it is an excellent expectorant. Cherry juice has an antipyretic effect, it is recommended to drink at high temperatures.

In dietary nutrition

Benefits of cherries
Benefits of cherries

During the diet, the body experiences a lack of vitamin. The addition of cherries to your diet will help you get all the vitamins you need. Constipation is also a common companion in diets. Eating cherries and cherry juice can help solve this problem. Sour fruits will help remove excess waste and toxins from the body. In addition to all this, cherries are a low-calorie product, but you should not abuse it.

For women's health

Eating cherries reduces the risk of varicose veins. During menopause regular consumption of cherries can help to deal with discomfort. The antioxidant properties of cherries slow down the aging process. The anthocyanins contained in cherries strengthen connective tissue. This prevents the appearance of wrinkles and the formation of cellulite.

For women during pregnancy, cherries can help deal with anemia due to their high iron content. They will also increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. The content of folic acid in cherries is very important for the development of the baby, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy. Of course, a huge amount of different vitamins will also be useful for the expectant mother and her baby. It should be remembered that in this situation you should eat only in moderation, and this also applies to cherries.

For men's health

Cherries are also known for their ability to increase male potency, thanks to the large amount of zinc in it. Zinc is considered to be a true male element, as its role in increasing the intensity of sperm and male hormone production has long been known.

For children

Kids love this fruit, so delight them with juicy fruits and cherry juices. Cherries contain iron, which is easily absorbed by the child's body. Also, the use of cherries helps to increase hemoglobin. If the child's sleep is disturbed and he is too agitated, it is recommended to give him to drink cherry juice, it has a sedative effect. Also, this delicious juice will help reduce the temperature in colds.

Be sure to warn your children that they should definitely not eat cherry pits. From one or two accidentally swallowed nothing will happen, but if you eat a dozen, you can be seriously poisoned.

In cosmetics

Cherry juice and pulp are used in many cosmetic products. Cherries have whitening properties, refresh and tone the skin, nourishing it with various minerals and vitamins, smoothing wrinkles, normalizing the complexion.

Can cherries harm?

As useful as they are, cherries have high acidity and can be harmful if consumed excessively. People with acute stomach problems, especially ulcers and high acidity, should be especially careful with them.
