Watermelon In Diabetes

Watermelon In Diabetes
Watermelon In Diabetes

All fruits are a source of carbohydrates. Most of the carbohydrates in the fruit are natural sugars (in the form of fructose), which is why the fruit has a sweet taste. When you have diabetes, foods that have carbohydrates will raise your blood sugar. However, fruits are an important part of a balanced diet.

In addition to carbohydrates, the fruit provides several other important nutrients, such as fiber, antioxidants, and a range of vitamins and minerals. Watermelon is a much healthier source of carbohydrates than some other sources of carbohydrates such as refined beans, biscuits, cakes, pastries, processed foods, snacks and candies.

Add fruits to your meal plan in appropriate portions and choose them over less healthy sources of carbohydrates.

Fresh watermelon
Fresh watermelon

Watermelon is free of fat (saturated fat), sodium and cholesterol. It is also a good source of vitamin A and vitamin C. You can add watermelon to your meal plan by controlling portion sizes.

Watermelon is a sweet fruit and due to this fact many people mistakenly believe that it is not suitable for diabetics. On the contrary - watermelon is suitable in the treatment of diabetes and should be part of the diet of a diabetic. It is rich in nutrients that benefit the body in many different ways.

The high content of vitamin A helps maintain the health of your cells and is good for the eyes. Vitamin C helps the body fight infections and is a powerful antioxidant. Watermelon is rich in vitamins B1 and B6, which help keep your energy levels high.


High levels of potassium and magnesium help blood circulation, regulate nerve impulses and have a beneficial effect on blood pressure. Watermelon is free of fat and cholesterol, which are important factors in the diet of diabetics. In fact, it provides more nutrients per calorie than most other fruits.

Lycopene is the other nutrient that is found in large quantities in watermelon. It is another powerful antioxidant that protects against cardiovascular disease and other circulatory diseases that predispose to diabetes.

Antioxidants are molecules that travel through the body and neutralize free radicals. Free radicals, which are formed as a result of oxidation, can lead to huge damage to cells in the body. They oxidize cholesterol, which causes it to stick to the walls of the arteries. This can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Thus, lycopene helps the body protect itself against coronary heart disease. Watermelon is also effective in protecting against many types of cancer - colon cancer, colorectal cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer.
