Cold Or Hot Foods?

Cold Or Hot Foods?
Cold Or Hot Foods?

Our daily life very often does not allow us to eat the way we want - we eat on foot, we often do not have time to make any special or healthy dishes. In fact, eating healthily means not only consuming a certain type of food, it also matters how we eat. First of all, we should not hurry and we should be careful with the temperature of the food, experts say.

Is cold or hot food more suitable for consumption?

The answer is none - the best choice is a moderate temperature. This means moderately warm food that will not irritate the stomach and from which the body will be able to absorb all the useful ingredients. Hot and cold foods and drinks do not work well and hinder the work of the whole digestive process. Last but not least, cold and hot foods are bad for your teeth - they damage tooth enamel and it can crack.

As a result, teeth become more susceptible to caries and may begin to decay over time. Improper temperature of food or drinks can also damage the gums. Experts even believe that eating hot or cold food all the time can lead to gum wounds and problems with them, such as periodontitis.

The most unfavorable option is to combine hot food and ice-cold drink with it

Cold foods
Cold foods

One of the main disadvantages of consuming cold and hot foods is that they usually create discomfort in the oral cavity. As a result, a person tries to swallow quickly or in other words - does not chew his food for the required time.

This means that we do not excrete enough saliva, and it is the beginning of the digestive process. It contains a large amount of enzymes that are absorbed into the food and then the digestive tract more easily processes the ingested food.

When we swallow food quickly, this process is disrupted from the very beginning. Consumption of moderate-temperature food, which is chewed slowly enough, allows a sufficient amount of saliva.

Last but not least, we have the opportunity to enjoy what we eat and feel all its flavors and aromas. In addition, eating slowly, we eat less food.

Eating cold foods and cold drinks can block some of the receptors on the tongue, experts explain. That's why we tend to overeat when we eat foods that are too cold. In our desire to taste it, we begin to swallow very large amounts.
