Diet For Sensitive Stomach

Diet For Sensitive Stomach
Diet For Sensitive Stomach

People with sensitive stomach can easily get rid of the problem by applying this simple and healthy diet.

The diet for sensitive stomachs is a slightly stricter version of the raw diet. It consumes mainly fresh fruits, which help to dispose of unnecessary waste products from the body. In addition to sensitive digestion, it is also used for rashes, catarrh and rheumatism.

The diet for sensitive stomach gives some rest to the digestive system and allows recovery without undue discomfort. It is also suitable for people who can not follow long-term diets.

It is carried out for three or four days, if it is well tolerated by the body. Improvements are slower than stricter and stricter diets, but are suitable for your restless stomach.

Fruit juices
Fruit juices

In the morning. As soon as you wake up, the regime begins. Drink a glass of apple juice or mint tea.

Breakfast. Pureed apple with yogurt or porridge with a little wheat germ. Sweeten with a little honey.

10 a.m. Breakfast of fruit juice - apple, grape or pineapple, or a cup of mint tea.

Lunch. Broth of mixed vegetables, steamed fish or aromatic rice with 2-3 cooked vegetables.

4 pm Afternoon breakfast of fruit juice or herbal tea.

Dinner. Broth of mixed vegetables, steamed fish or aromatic rice with 2-3 cooked vegetables. As a second dish - homemade fruit jelly, dessert with tofu, sweetened with honey or fresh fruit, mashed or soaked in water.

An apple
An apple

Sample recipes

Broth of mixed vegetables

Necessary products: 1 kg of vegetables - 500 g of potatoes and 500 g of a mixture of beets, carrots and celery.

Preparation: 1 kg of vegetable mass needs 1.5 liters of water. The vegetables are cleaned and chopped without peeling. Put directly in the water and cook over very low heat until soft, about 1-2 hours.

Allow to cool for another half hour. Strain. The resulting broth is served warm.
