

Whiskey is a popular alcoholic beverage. It is usually made from rye or wheat. It can also be made from barley. The very name of the product comes from the Celtic word usquebaugh, which translates as water of life. In the beginning, the English heard the word uishgi, which over time became whiskey.

History of whiskey

Whiskey is an alcoholic beverage that can be proud of its rich history. According to acquaintances, more than five centuries ago the Celts had already successfully prepared the dizzying elixir. Scotland and Ireland are fiercely arguing over which of the two is homeland of whiskey. However, it is accepted that the roots of the drink should be sought from the Irish. Until the fifteenth century, the alcoholic beverage was prepared mostly in monasteries. However, the Scots began to produce it at home and so it left the boundaries of spiritual temples.

In fact, by the first quarter of the nineteenth century, almost every farm had acquired a cauldron to stir the famous drink into. Then, with the advent of excise duties, this practice decreased dramatically. The whiskey that the Scots and Irish then consumed was quite different from what modern man knows. In those days, the alcoholic beverage was consumed immediately after its production, because people thought that otherwise the product would not be fit for consumption.

But then, quite unknowingly, the producers discovered that aging not only did not harm the substance, but even made it even more fragrant and pleasant to the taste. Over time, new techniques emerged in whiskey production. In the nineteenth century, this type of alcohol was not very well known worldwide, and its main consumers remained Irish and Scots. Then, however, it began to gain popularity in America, and today is among the favorite alcoholic beverages on the world market.

Whiskey production

Different manufacturers use a variety of whiskey production techniques. That is why there are so many to date types of whiskey. However, it is accepted that when alcohol is made from barley, it is soaked in water for at least two or three days. Thus, the grains are moistened enough to germinate later. Then the material is carefully arranged on a board and wait until it germinates.


Until this happens (usually takes no more than ten days), the grain is stirred regularly and treated against mold. Subsequently, the resulting sprouts are placed on a special net in the oven. The malt, in turn, is dried on peat smoke for about two days, then cleaned of debris and ground. The resulting product is placed in a tub and water is added to it.

The resulting solution can ferment. It is purified and kept in a tank. The mixture is then fermented with yeast to obtain a non-alcoholic substance. It is subjected to further distillation. If the distillation has been successful and everything with the liquid is up to standard, it is poured into barrels. Most often they are made of oak or cherry wood.

Types of whiskey

There are many types of whiskey in the modern world. Of course, there are several types that must be mentioned. Such, for example, is malt whiskey. It is produced from sprouted barley, which may be more or less smoky. Connoisseurs would point out as an impressive type the so-called single malt whiskey, which is considered to be made from a single malt raw material. However, it is possible to use products obtained in different years. This type of whiskey is stored in a barrel for at least eight years.

It is the most popular on the world market blended whiskey. It is prepared from malt and grain distillates. Alcohol is often added. The blended whiskey has a golden color as it is colored with caramel or other colors. Lovers of this alcohol are also familiar with American whiskey. It is a mix of several types of grain whiskey. Another famous type is Irish whiskey. It differs from the Scottish one in that it is dried with coal, and no smoke can reach the grain itself. For this reason, however, Irish whiskey lacks its specific taste and aroma.

Storage and serving of whiskey

Drinking whiskey
Drinking whiskey

Experts advise whiskey to be kept in the dark, the temperature should be around 8-9 degrees. It is also good to keep the bottle with the drink upright. According to the custom in Scotland the whiskey is served along with a glass of water. Guests dilute the alcohol according to their preferences. They also add ice. However, the Irish have a different understanding of the consumption of this type of alcohol - they prefer to drink it in its pure form. The whiskey is drunk slowly, in small sips, so that both the taste and the aroma are well felt. The whiskey glass is cylindrical in shape and does not fill much when served. An appetizer can be served with whiskey. A typical addition to this alcohol is smoked fish. Other appetizers for whiskey are oysters. In our country whiskey is consumed with different nuts.

Whiskey in cooking

As mentioned, there is already a wide variety of whiskeys on the market. This is the reason why the alcoholic beverage is rapidly gaining popularity among the products used in cooking. It is successfully used in recipes for cakes, candies, mini eclairs, chocolate cakes, cakes, sponge cakes, caramel ice cream, creams, retro jams and much more. Unforgettable desserts with whiskey include Irish Cake, Chocolate Ball and Jelly Irish Coffee.

Salty whiskey specialties they are also very appetizing.

Be sure to add the fragrant drink to roasted chicken or stewed pork. Whiskey is also present in many cocktails. It is combined with various natural juices and soft drinks. Pleasant results are obtained if this type of drink is mixed with bay leaf, rum, vermouth, sour cherry, brandy or other drink. Of course, you should not overdo the amount of exam cocktails. Otherwise, a small portion of whiskey can be poured into tea or coffee. Cream is added if desired.

Benefits of whiskey

Irish coffee
Irish coffee

Although experts are not unanimous about the impact of alcohol on our health, whiskey is considered by many to be useful as long as it is taken in reasonable quantities. According to various studies, quality whiskey has a tonic effect and maintains immunity. It protects against cancer and strengthens the heart.

Whiskey contains fewer calories than other alcohols and has no carbohydrates or sugar. The content of ellagic acid can also reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of obesity.

Research shows that drinking whiskey has other health benefits. However, all these benefits are associated with moderate consumption - heavy drinking can lead to serious health problems.

A glass of whiskey a day can offer health benefits such as:

Strengthening heart health

Whiskey has high levels of polyphenols, plant antioxidants associated with reducing the risk of heart disease. The polyphenols in whiskey are helpful in reducing bad cholesterol.

Bad cholesterol and triglycerides can clog your arteries, while good cholesterol helps keep them clean. Maintaining healthy levels can help prevent heart disease and stroke.

In small quantities whiskey can help to clear mucus from the sinuses and chest, allowing your body to cope better with diseases and infections. This effect can also relieve other cold or flu symptoms, such as coughing or wheezing.

Scientists aren't sure why, but several studies have linked moderate alcohol consumption to improved disease immunity and improved response to vaccines.

One study found that people who drank one to six drinks a week had a lower risk of dementia than non-drinkers.

Another showed that moderate alcohol consumption can reduce cognitive decline in people with Alzheimer's disease.

Whiskey beautification

Just as there are face masks with brandy, so whiskey can take part in your beauty routine. What we need to know about the beautification with whiskey?

Face mask with whiskey and honey
Face mask with whiskey and honey

Whiskey turns out to be a great tool for beautiful skin and hair. Whiskey is known for its antiseptic properties, removing dirt, as well as the ability to rejuvenate and tighten the skin. This is especially useful for oily skin. The hair helps to improve the texture and shine.

Here are the masks in which this type of alcohol can be concluded:

Face mask with honey

This mixture is especially useful for dry skin. Whiskey used in combination with the natural moisturizer, which is honey, will help reduce dry skin and further tighten skin pores.

Add a teaspoon of whiskey to a tablespoon of honey and rub it on your face with gentle circular motions. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes before rinsing with cold water

Cocoa face mask

Cocoa can increase collagen production and improve skin texture. Make a paste from a few drops of whiskey and a teaspoon of cocoa powder. Apply it as a mask on your face and leave it to dry. Rinse with lukewarm water and be fascinated by the result! Wipe with a towel.

Face mask with lemons

Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C, it helps to lighten the skin. It also helps treat acne and can reduce blemishes. A mixture of whiskey and lemon juice can refresh tired skin. Just mix a tablespoon of lemon with two tablespoons of whiskey. Dip a cotton ball into the liquid and apply on face. Allow it to dry before rinsing with cold water.
