Foods For Loosening

Foods For Loosening
Foods For Loosening

Many people suffer from constipation when traveling, after stress or surgery. But when constipation persists for months or even years, it is already a disease.

Ten percent of the population in developed western countries suffers from chronic constipation, affecting mostly women. With age, such people increasingly suffer from constipation as the intestines of the elderly become lazy.

The lack of vegetables and fruits in the menu, especially raw ones, predisposes to constipation. The lack of coarse cellulose, which is contained in wholemeal bread and cereals, deprives the body of the natural pathogen of intestinal peristalsis.

The menu of modern man contains too tender, easily digestible ingredients - white bread, sugar, broths. They, as well as animal fats and proteins contained in meat, fish, eggs, butter, do not make the colon work, thus causing constipation.


Eating sandwiches, hot dogs, fast food, lack of soups also have a bad effect on the intestines. Liquid food should be equal to more than a liter per day.

Eat in a calm environment, slowly, carefully chewing each bite. To deal with constipation, the first thing you need to do is stop taking laxatives and making enemas.

Very often they are an obstacle to the restoration of normal bowel rhythm. Divide your meal into five meals - fixed hours for lunch, dinner and breakfast, as well as two fruits that you eat between main meals.

Eat whole grain bread, raw and cooked vegetables. Emphasize red beets, apricots, plums, prunes, melons, figs.

Loosening foods are different types of oil and dairy foods. Stimulator of the cessation of constipation can become the fasting test a glass of cold water, as well as fruit or vegetable juice.

Loosening mixes can be consumed, for example a mix of oatmeal with milk, fruit and nuts is eaten before bed. It has an effect in the morning.

The mix of one teaspoon of flaxseed mixed in a glass of fruit juice is also effective. Drink before bed. Another option is to eat a mixture of a few prunes, dried figs and dried apricots with a tablespoon of honey twice a day instead of fruit. It is consumed with a whole grain slice.
