Eat Almonds At Lunch To Take Full Advantage Of Them

Eat Almonds At Lunch To Take Full Advantage Of Them
Eat Almonds At Lunch To Take Full Advantage Of Them

Consumption of almonds is recommended to improve brain activity and physical activity, but according to a recent study, the period of the day when we eat nuts is also important.

An American study by experts from Pardew University shows that in order to take advantage of the positive properties of almonds, you should eat them at lunch.

The study involved 86 people, and according to the results, the memory of people who ate almonds at lunch improved compared to those who ate them between meals.

The volunteers in the study were divided into two groups, and for 12 weeks the first group added a handful of almonds to their lunch.


The second group did not eat the nuts at lunch and at the end of the study they noticed a weakening of memory.

Experts attribute the beneficial effect on the ability of almonds to balance blood sugar levels. Almonds in addition, they contain anti-fatigue magnesium.


Almonds are also an excellent source of niacin, which also stimulates brain function.

In addition to improving memory, a handful of almonds a day also helps lower bad cholesterol. With high blood pressure, it is also advisable to eat almonds regularly.

They are rich in potassium, which neutralizes the negative properties of excessive salt consumption.
