McCauley, The Liquid Gold Of Korea

McCauley, The Liquid Gold Of Korea
McCauley, The Liquid Gold Of Korea

If you are interested in Korean cuisine and culture, you should definitely try it McCauley. This is a drink with an interesting taste and rich history.

The drink is made from white rice wine. McCauley is considered the oldest drink in Korea. It dates back to the 10th century, when the Corio dynasty ruled.

For years, Koreans have associated McCaules with the elderly or the population of more agricultural areas. Subsequently, however, it won the attention of the elite because of its health benefits.

What distinguishes McCauley from other alcohols? For starters, the drink is made from fermented rice, wheat and water. It contains lactic acid and some good bacteria found in yogurt.

This means that it aids digestion. McCauley also contains fiber, vitamins and an alcohol content of only 6 to 8%. For comparison, the wine has an alcohol content of 10 to 20%.

The low alcohol content of McCauley, along with its health benefits, makes it a great drink.

McCauley also has a slightly sharp taste, which makes it a good addition to Korean dishes. It is desirable to serve after cooling. Stir before consumption, because often part of the drink settles to the bottom.
