Foods That Take Care Of Our Fresh Appearance

Foods That Take Care Of Our Fresh Appearance
Foods That Take Care Of Our Fresh Appearance

During the summer season we have a great variety of fruits and vegetables to maintain our energy and vitality. Unfortunately, while working, we forget about this variety and alternate salads and pretzels with coffee. And foods that are all around us can help us maintain our health and beauty.

Cucumbers - this is the vegetable with the highest water content (98%). It stimulates the release of enzymes during food processing, affects digestion. Cucumbers are the main ingredient of our favorite tarator, one of the most refreshing foods for summer.

Healthy eating
Healthy eating

Yogurt - it contains zinc, one of the renewable energy producers. Low levels of zinc in the body interfere with the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, and this leads to slow metabolism, fatigue and lethargy.

Apples - thanks to the ingredient quartcetin in apples, oxygen in the body is utilized and the feeling of fatigue passes.

Tomatoes - in addition to increasing the skin's natural defenses and making it more elastic, tomatoes are nutritious and a rich source of vitamin C.


Zucchini - they are nutritious without high calorie content.

Bananas - One banana contains enough carbohydrates, thanks to which energy is released.

Oatmeal - replenishes muscle glycogen, which improves physical activity.

Walnuts - thanks to the vitamins and minerals they contain, it slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and speeds up the process of burning fat.

Pumpkin seeds - they contain a large amount of magnesium, which controls blood sugar, enhances metabolism, improves muscle function.

Eggs - the proteins in them keep the energy stable, and the amino acids are a faithful helper in the synthesis of muscle cells.

The high temperatures are being felt more and more, and in order not to wonder in the autumn how to repair the damage caused by the summer, it is good now to turn to these foods, which will not only make us feel fresher and more efficient, they will cool us down.
