How To Eat For Colitis

How To Eat For Colitis
How To Eat For Colitis

Colitis is an inflammatory disease of the colon. The inflammatory process can cover the entire intestine. But it can also affect individual parts. Colitis is either acute or chronic.

The acute inflammatory process in the colon develops against the background of an intestinal infection. The causes can be prolonged intestinal dysbacteriosis, chronic poisoning with industrial chemicals, worms, chronic diseases of other organs of the digestive system.

In colitis, ulcers form on the intestines, which first become inflamed, then become red and swollen. Acute colitis results in diarrhea, which often alternates with constipation, abdominal cramps, flatulence, palpitations, belching.

In chronic colitis, those affected complain of dull pain in the lower abdomen, the abdomen swells in the evening.

The diet for chronic colitis is determined by your doctor. It depends on whether the patient complains of diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, abdominal pain, as well as the stage of the disease.

In case of mild exacerbation of chronic colitis, the goal of the diet is to restore the peristalsis and secretory function of the intestines and to limit the fermentation processes in them. Raw fruits, legumes, whole grain pasta, milk, spicy foods, spices are limited. Consumption of products with crust when frying and breaded foods is not allowed.

Breakfast in bed
Breakfast in bed

In chronic intestinal disease with poor peristalsis and persistent constipation, a diet rich in protein and carbohydrates is prescribed. Yogurt, beets, tomatoes, rye and wholemeal bread are extremely suitable for consumption. Prunes stimulate intestinal peristalsis, apricots, figs and dates are also useful.

In chronic colitis with diarrhea and intestinal fermentation processes, the goal is to achieve minimal mechanical and biochemical irritation. Carbohydrate foods and fats are limited. Excludes milk, cellulose, spices, salty and smoked products.

In colitis with diarrhea, carbohydrates and protein foods are reduced to a maximum.

In exacerbated chronic colitis, the goal is to ensure proper nutrition of the body. The dishes are cooked or stewed. Serve mashed or chopped into small pieces. The products must be well cooked or well baked in the oven, but without the crust.
