Great Chefs: Rachel Ray

Great Chefs: Rachel Ray
Great Chefs: Rachel Ray

Rachel Ray is the creator of thousands of recipes and with even greater desire she continues to invent new ones every day. Whether you are an experienced chef, hungry housewives wondering what dish to surprise your family with, or just curious cooking fans looking for inspiration everywhere, Rachel Ray definitely has something to offer.

The famous brunette was born on August 25, 1968 in a small town in the United States in a family of gourmets. She initially worked in the food department of a well-known American department store before running one of the most popular food chains in New York.

When she turned 20, Rachel moved to live in the big city, where with a lot of perseverance and work she began to build a career as a TV presenter. For many years, the innovative chef has been successfully leading culinary shows with her own and individual style.

Her dizzying career began in 2002 with cooking shows $ 40 a day and Dishes for 30 minutes. In time, she published a series of books on the diet and lifestyle of Americans.

In 2005, her magazine Every Day with Rachel Ray began to be published, which won the love of all busy housewives. Many believe that in cooking she is what Coco Chanel is in the world of fashion.

Broadcast to Rachel Ray
Broadcast to Rachel Ray

Rachel believes that a successful weight loss should not include a grueling diet, but a special approach based on more exercise and less food. She offers her fans great recipes and lots of useful tips.

Rachel Ray is perhaps the only chef who does not own a restaurant where fans of high quality and unique dishes can be pampered. But this does not matter much to her, as she is currently the second richest master chef in the world.

Oprah Winfrey's protégé has annual revenue of $ 18 million from her cookbooks and shows alone, not counting her involvement in various advertising campaigns.
