Corn Is Good For The Stomach And Face

Corn Is Good For The Stomach And Face
Corn Is Good For The Stomach And Face

Today, corn is a regular guest at our table, and a hundred years ago it was considered a real exotic. According to the ancient Indians, corn, or as they called it, "maize", was a sacred plant.

She arrived in Europe with Columbus. The plant, sacred to the Incas and Maya, was named "corn" in Spain, meaning the pointed hood. Corn is not only food, but also an invaluable product for our body.

The beans contain a balanced amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Corn is ideal for those who want to give up or reduce meat. It contains not only protein but also vitamins C, B, PP, potassium and phosphorus.

Corn is an excellent source of vitamin K, which is invaluable for the cardiovascular system. When corn is cooked, vitamins are reduced, but about 20 percent of them remain.

Lovers of fatty foods should more often cook dishes that contain corn kernels. They have the ability to reduce the bad effects that fried and fatty foods have on our body, as well as alcohol.

The main medicinal value of golden vegetables is not in the beans, but in the "hair" that frames the cob and is usually discarded before cooking. These "hairs" are used to prepare many types of medicines.


Do not throw them away, but use them fresh and dried. These "hairs" are useful for people with hypertension and edema, as they expel excess fluid from the body. They lower blood sugar.

They are taken in the form of a decoction. Pour 3 tablespoons with 200 ml of boiling water and after cooling, drink as tea. Drink every 4 hours before meals. The course of admission is 3 weeks.

Corn oil, which many people do not dare to buy because they know nothing about it, has just as much polyunsaturated fatty acids as oil and olive oil. Only its taste is different.

Corn flour can be used not only for porridge but also for cosmetic purposes - it removes blackheads on the face. To do this, 2 tablespoons of corn flour is mixed with a whipped egg white and the mixture is applied to the face.

Once dry, wipe with a damp cloth, wash your face with cold water and wipe. One or two corn procedures are enough to remove blackheads.
